I left a note infront of Hwiyoung's apartment consist of my phone number and told him that I want to talk to DaeBogsu Gang and Giselle

He immediately respond to me by saying that it's impossible for me to convince Giselle because they're already planning something to Elites

I started following him again but I made sure that he's feeling my presence for me to know if I can trust him or not

By following him, I found out that he didn't told anyone about his conversation with me which made me thought that I can trust him. I sent another message to him asking about DaeBogsu Gang's plan and everything became suspicious when he easily gave me the full details of their plan including the time, date, location and who's involve

I tried to relax together with Beomgyu while waiting for the Elites to arrive in the hotel where I'm staying at. Yoon Su was just silently staying in the room next to mine

My room is between his and Beomgyu's room. I didn't bothered to introduce Beomgyu to him because I can't find any reason to introduce them to each other. They're both chaotic so it's better to separate them

Yoon Su informed me that the Elites already arrived at the hotel. I started to follow them secretly wherever they go even if it's just on hotel's rooftop because I know that DaeBogsu Gang might be following them or attack them anytime and I'm right

When I saw the girl wearing a bikini approaching Jaemin I immediately got jealous but I set aside all of that as I realized that there's something suspicious about that girl

I arrived at the rooftop earlier than the Elites because I'm eating breakfast with Beomgyu but I never saw that girl anywhere. She suddenly came out of nowhere when the Elites arrived. I also noticed a suspicious guy taking a picture of them. I later on realized that they're probably new members of DaeBogsu gang and they probably sent them for me to not recognize them as they know that I'm guarding the Elites

They're so dumb to assume that they can fool me

I immediately sent a text message to Jaemin to warn him. I left Beomgyu on my room while he's taking a bath and go to Yoon Su's room. I told him to tell Mrs. Lee to send more bodyguards to the Elites because of the suspicious guy and the girl who approached Jaemin but he told me that there's nothing to worry about since it's still not the day where they're going to do their plan base on what Hwiyoung told me

He also showed me CCTV footages where you can see DaeBogsu Gang chilling out in their hideout that's why I thought that the information that Hwiyoung gave was accurate. Maybe they're going to do their plan the day after tomorrow

I decided to go to a the park with Beomgyu. We did a lot of things such as riding a boat and watching movies. Even though I'm enjoying every moment with him I still can't get the Elites out of my head. I'm so worried about them. I have a bad feeling about that girl who approached Jaemin

After our long day in the park we decided to go to my mom's grave when I received a call from Yoon Su

I feel like my whole world stopped when he told me that Giselle suddenly disappeared together with some of the members of DaeBogsu Gang

He also lost his access to the CCTV footages. I suddenly remembered how they put a virus on the CCTV Footages when they tried to kidnap Haruto in Han River. It looks like they have someone like Yoon Su

I immediately left the cemetery without hesitation. I immediately go to DaeBogsu Gang hideout but there's only few of them there. Some of them are familiar to me but I don't need them that's why I decided to left but they tried to corner me and Beomgyu that's why I have no choice but to waste my time on taking them all down

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