Chapter Three

Começar do início

Aria's nerves had calmed slightly since she got into the car with him and felt at ease enough to tease him when he ran around the car to open the door for her, "So chivalry isn't dead after all." She smirked taking hold of his outstretched hand, to which he replied with an exaggerated curtsy which caused her to laugh out loud.

He couldn't help but stare at her as the sound of her melodious laugh filled the air around them, gaining the attention of a few bystanders who smiled at the golden-haired beauty as well.

"Good evening, my name is Jodie and I'll be your waitress for the evening. Can I start you up with some refreshments and an appetiser before you order?" the cheerful rainbow hair coloured girl greeted the pair with a wide smile.

Deagan glanced over at Aria who was looking through the refreshments menu with a thoughtful look on her face before his gaze fell back on the bubbly waitress, "I'll have a glass of Amarone Della Valpolicella 2012 and get us a starter platter to share please." he looked over at Aria who's head shot up at the mention of the drink, she was impressed by his choice, she had been stuck between Amarone and Chianti for the evening.

"I'll have a glass of 2013 Tesco Simply Chianti thank you." Jodie jotted down their order and smiled widely at them.

"I'll be right back with those, in the meanwhile you both can decide on the main course." She said and then rushed off towards the kitchen.

"The lady sure does know her wine," Deagan smirked impressed causing a light blush to spread across her cheeks.

"I guess you could say that. My dad is quite a wine lover so after spending twenty years' worth of family holidays visiting wine farms across the world, I'd say I know my way around the grapes well enough." He chuckled at her slight frown, which disappeared almost immediately afterward, "You're not too shabby yourself Mr Lockheart." She teased, but he simply sent her a small smile.

"When you work for one of the richest men in the city, you pick up a few things." At the mention of his job, Aria's interest was piqued. She leaned forward in her seat, eyeing him with curiosity.

"What is it that you do exactly Deagan?" He smiled softly and said,

"I am Andrew King 's bodyguard, personal chauffeur and right hand ." She was slightly surprised, but in no way disappointed.

"Oh my, aren't you lucky? The man has the most amazing car collection and I'm sure you get to drive them all, right?" Deagan's eyes widened in shock, there was no way he was expecting her reaction or anything close to it, but Aria always seemed to have the strangest reactions to everything.

He chuckled lightly and thought, 'I guess I'll have to get used to it' shaking his head lightly before replying, "Yes he does indeed have a wonderful collection and it is nothing, but a pleasure to sit in the driver seat of each one of those babies, but if you don't mind me asking; how do you know Drew?" he was curious, Drew and Deagan had been best friends since their college days, but not once has Drew ever mentioned knowing such a gorgeous woman.

Before she could answer their drinks arrived, Jodie set the wine down along with their starters, "There we are, are you both ready to order, or would you like some more time?" the young lady asked with a welcoming smile.

"I'll have the Spicy chicken Risotto with a side of parmesan, please." Aria smiled and looked over at Deagan,

"I'll have the Chef style Chicken Scallopini and a slice of Garlic Bruschetta, thank you." she nodded and repeated their orders back to them before taking off towards the kitchen once more.

"Cheers!" Aria grinned raising her glass to him, "To new horizons." He nodded with a smile and touched her glass with his own,

"To meeting new people." He said and they both sipped on the wine of their choice.

Secrets ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora