Authers note:

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|Hello everyone you know I thought I had some time before I'd have to write up the next part maybe go take a break have a date with my partner but no... YOU ALL JUST BLAZE A THROUGH MY WRITING LIKE YOU CAME IN LIKE A WREAKING BALL!!! Ahem any who  I have a few details about the story that I forgot to mention I know I know you all came to read the fluff and smut I'll get to that in a moment. The things I needed to disclose follow
1. This fanfic has mostly lgbtq+ pairing like 98% of it is some sort of the umbrella term of gay

2. Saiki while he is currently only attracted to Aren is pan in this meanwhile Aren is Bi because I'm bi-es sorry but really I just went with it

3. At some point there will be short one shot  chapters on each pairing new or old depending on which is more wanted

4. If there's a ship you don't like please don't argue about it in the comments I haven't seen anything yet but just preventing it this is a safe space for ships as long as they aren't to out there like little kid level

5. I know what spelling errors I make and while I appreciate the slight correction please don't do it to repeatedly

6. Just have fun with reading I'm not here to gate keep things or make it hard for people to like things
That is pretty much it so yeah😶
Didn't have much of anything else but if you want please leave any questions you might have about the story future story and that sort of thing (why did my typing change?)

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