I Have Changed (Sonamy)

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I Have Changed

Chapter One

If you looked back a couple years ago, an image of a pink hedgehog would pass your mind. the animal had a dress draped down her, along with a headband to match it. Not alone, however. Her speed was wisely used against a blue hedgehog, whom was running away frantically.

"Sonic!!!" The pink one whined as she started to lose her breath.

"Not now, Amy!!!" The blue responded,

but it wasn't long before he was tackled to the ground.

Yes, those were the sweet days of true love. But if you were to pull towards the present time, things change. A new image of the pink was in place. But it wasn't happy.

As time went by, everyone, even the pink hedgehog's best bunny friend Cream. Ignored her invites to hangout, parties, help studying, shopping, and coming to missions all together.

Yes, her longed for friends did think of her, remembering the cute pink hedgehog who they used to care for so long. But, never did anything about it. Didn't call her, talk about her, nor go to find her. They just let it past, some did regret it, but somehow got over it.

The image of the cute pink and cheerful hedgehog changed over the time of her sadness, and forgotten. Her quails now very long, but kept into two long pigtails, with her bangs had grown so long that now is covering her left eye, with black thick glasses,and wore her baggy uniform, not having it in her size. Of course for the color she chose was red. Her white collar shirt underneath her black baggy sweater and red tie, with a red short skirt. She also wore big black headphones with a big red star on each side.

Her personality, was shy. A big change for the girl who was always very social. After being left behind her friends, she honestly didn't want anymore of that. She stayed in the shadows, alone. Some did attempt to talk to her, but failed. She stayed to books, mostly romance novels, and music. They said she had the most beautiful voice in the world, those were the ones who caught her in the forest, singing to herself. She also became bullied by most students because of the attention on her. So, she never raised her hand, asked questions, compete in tryouts, do the talent show, nor even go to school dances.

Amy Rose was after that for many years, forgotten, alone, and heartbroken

Until today.


"Miss. Rose!" Called the history teacher, in desperate. The pink hedgehog looked up from her book, a little annoyed at the raccoon teacher, she was currently on her favorite part of the book was reading called 'The Hourglass Door' when Dante, a hot Italian guy from 1400's finally tells the beautiful girl Abby, that he was sent from a time machine to where he was now, and that he loved her.

The teacher and all the rest of the students looked at her, Amy kept her gaze slightly at the teacher telling her to continue.

"Miss. Rose, can you please tell me who was the 16th president of America on the planet Earth and his most famous quote in front of the class?" The teacher asked politely with a small smile.

Amy shrugged, she knew about Earth's history from being there a few years ago while there she did study, it was still in the back of her mind. But, knew what would happen if she went up there, and wondered if she wanted a good grade, or to see what will happen this time.

She pondered for about 3 minutes before nodding and her head down, with her bangs covering her face.

When she got there, she moved her bangs from her face, sighed then closed her eyes then quoted,

I Have Changed (Sonamy)Where stories live. Discover now