CHAPTER 1: Alexander and Hadrian

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一 "JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER! I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU WHEN I GET OUT!" LILY MARIE POTTER, SHOUTED AT HER HUSBAND. Today was July 31, 1980, and a special pair of twins were being born; the Potter twins. At St. Mungo's Hospital, Lily Potter was giving birth to the twins, and her husband was right at her side. "Lily push a little harder," says James, trying to help his wife. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, JAMES!" shouted Lily furiously. The twenty-year-old woman was trying her best, and James telling her to push harder was not helping her.


"I see the first head," spoke the doctor. "Lily, just a little more." Lily grunts in pain as she pushes a little harder, and the doctor gets the first twin and hands him to the nurse. "Okay Mrs.Potter, we got the first one now we need to get the second one." Lily nods her head as best as she could. A little bit later the doctor got the second twin out and handed him to the nurse for her to clean him too. "James, can you go tell Moony and Padfoot to come in," said Lily to her husband. "I'll be right back."


When James walked out of the hospital room the doctor came back in with the twins and handed them to Lily as he said, "Here you go, two healthy baby boys." "Aw, they're so adorable." As Lily said this, James comes back into the hospital room with Moony and Padfoot. "Lily, they're adorable," says Remus, from the doorway. "So what are you going to name them?" asked Sirius. "Hmm... I don't know, I actually haven't thought about it. Moony, Padfoot, you got any ideas?" "How about for the one that looks like James, Hadrian but Harry for short?" asked Remus. "I like that, how about you James?" "I like it too." "And for the one that looks like Lily, how about Alexander and Alex for short," said Sirius. "I love it, how about you Lily."


"Me too but what about middle names and godfathers?" asked Lily. "How about James for Hadrian's middle name since he looks more like me?" "Okay." "What about Alexander?" "Sirius, do you have a middle name for him?" "I can see him causing a lot of trouble in the future so how about Lucifer?" "Sure Sirius but why Lucifer?" "Because I bet he acts like me and James in the future." "He better not." "Well I bet he acts like both of you," says Remus from behind. "Wait, what about godfathers?" "Remus how about you and Sirius for Alexander and Sirius and Alice for Hadrian," suggested Lily. "Alright," said Sirius and Remus in unison.


As the doctor went and took the twins to the nursery, the ones in the room Lily was in started talking. "Isn't Alice still here with her son Neville.?" Sirius asked. "I'm not certain, wait, wasn't Neville born yesterday?" James asked, rubbing his head. "Yeah he was," Remus said. Lily wasn't hearing the conversation; she was asleep from exhaustion.  

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