TWO - Route 16

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After a long day at school, it suddenly occurred to me: I hadn't experienced any homophobia today at school, probably because Tom Terrence wasn't there - he had some rugby match, something like that. He was a dick.

He's very sexy though I won't lie to you. He wasn't my usual type but he's tall and muscular, he plays rugby and lots of other sports, he has thick thighs but they were nice thick thighs that I would sit on and big veiny arms. His hair was a dirty blonde colour which was almost always scruffy (in a good way though) and sometimes he would wear it over his pretty light blue eyes. His personality sucked, it ruined his attractiveness, even with this he was still very popular.

He always attacks me both verbally and physically, and once again I won't lie. One time he held me against a wall because I spoke back to him after he called me kept eyeing me in science, his arms pushed on my shoulders as he pinned me against the wall and stared right back at me, he looked sexy and dominant and he was much taller, I'd have to stand on tip toes to kiss him.  For a second I felt a connection but then I went back to reality - he's a straight homophobe who literally attacked you for liking men, get over him.

I walked out the school gates, tired from exams week; it was Friday today though, the end of the week and, some girl I know, Jasmine Brown, was throwing a party at her house. Even though I didn't really like her because she was a massive fake BITCH; she acts like she's my best friend, but I know the true side of her and she's evil, she was the equivalent of Georgina Sparks from Gossip Girl. Aside from that, I really wanted to go anyway. I needed this, this week was honestly hell and so tiring, I had to have something to drink and I wanted to have fun with my friends. I went straight to my best friend, Hannah's house after school where I met my other close friends Anita, Sophia, and Jazzy.

I hopped on a bus to Victoria Station, the 16. I sat down on the front of top deck and put my AirPods in, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I loved this seat, I could see all across Hyde Park and I liked looking at all the people and cars in the street. The Mayfair architecture is beautiful, the building style was simple but also very stylish.

As I was passing Hyde Park Corner, a man maybe a couple years older than me, approached my seat.

He had brownish-black hair in curtains style, they were sexy curtains: not too long not too short and not the ugly style (where it's combed all the way back). He was quite tall, a good couple inches taller than me - he looked like he could play basketball. He had dark blue eyes and thick, kissable lips - not skinny ones, these were ones I could kiss all day long. He didn't look like your typical British boy either, he must've been at least a little foreign; and, definitely my favourite feature of him: he wore glasses, they suited him well too. I always find glasses so sexy and they made him look intelligent and extremely cute.

He wore brown cargo trousers and a plain black t-shirt on top - I admired the simplicity of his fashion sense. He had rings on his finger and had a metal chain around his neck, a good quality one.

He looked at me with his handsome glare and said,

"Excuse me, please can you tell me how can I get to Victoria Coach Station?"

I took my AirPods out, still amazed by the beauty of this man - then I realised, he's most definitely straight. Fuck. Why do I always fantasise straight boys. I got back to real life and responded to his question,

"Yeah, just get off at the last stop and walk down the main road I think",

he thanked me and sat in the seats behind me. I felt paranoid now - like he was looking at everything I was doing on my phone.

When the bus terminated at Victoria, I hopped off and entered the mainline station. Only to find all trains had been cancelled due to a passenger incident. Great.

I had to get a bus in London rush hour all the way to Battersea, which isn't even that far but the traffic is shit. Oh well I said to myself, at least there's a pretty view and we can cross the thames.

I walked down the street to the bus stop and I saw the same man that I had met on the bus, on the street corner; he looked confused and puzzled. He still looked sexy as FUCK. I went up to him and asked,

"aha, any luck finding the coach station?",

he was startled by me,

"oh hello again", he said,  "is it down there?",

he was not like the average confused tourist from abroad. He was slightly northern I could tell from his accent.

"no it's this way", I corrected him pointing him in the right direction.

I offered to walk him over there and he accepted my kind offer. I needed to take the bus now anyway so it didn't add any extra time on to my journey.

We walked down the road and had a decent conversation.

"So what are you doing in London?", I questioned.

"I'm studying here, not at university at some college, and right now, I'm meeting my dad at his work." He responded to me.

"Ohh I see, which college?"

"Marble Arch Academy", he replied.

I was surprised.

"No way! I go there", I said over enthusiastically.

He smiled, "That's great we should definitely be friends"

He then looked at the uniform I was wearing and smiled, "It's cute", he said.

"what is?", I answered back confused.

"the uniform, I really like it"

"ohh yes it's okay i guess"

I got butterflies just from the words, "it's cute", but again I forced myself to think he was straight, which he was. My gaydar didn't go off on him. I honestly need to stop romanticising every aspect of my life. It's getting really bad.

He had to go see his father and we both waved goodbye.

I didn't even get his name, I felt like kicking myself after that because then I could have asked Anita to do a search on him - her stalking skills are AMAZING. One time she found the instagram of a boy just by his school and appearance.

Love on the London OvergroundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz