Training with Artemis

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"So, to reiterate, you are the son of Clark Kent and Diana Prince?" Batman asked.

He was wearing his costume along with the others even after I told him that I knew he was Bruce Wayne. I was sitting in his seat facing the Big Three with The Batcave computer the size of a Metropolis Billboard behind me. To me, although their faces were completely identical, they were different from my parents. My father was more built and taller than the Superman in front of me. Continuing on with the comparison, the Diana Prince of this world wore her hair down, while my mother put hers' up in a ponytail. Batman, as thought, would always look the same, same costume, the same build. I couldn't see his face but I was pretty sure it was a carbon copy.

"Yes," I answered tiredly.

This was already the third time he asked me that, "Aren't you the world's greatest detective?"

Batman just stared back at me like I was an annoying fly that wouldn't buzz off.

"He's the same build of Clark and has Diana's face but, where did he get the green eyes?"

"From my grandmother on my mother's side," I answered, "And can you stop pretending like I'm not here, I can hear you and stop analyzing me, I'm not some science experiment."

Superman just stared at the ground in confusion like he was trying to make sense of something.

"But how?" he finally asked raising his head to look at me.

"My grandmother told me it was love at first sight," I answered trying to poke holes in Batman's leather chair. "It was the beginning of the start of the Justice League, and all the heroes got together to stop an alien invasion, the invasion of Darkside. They were fighting aliens when they met. My father was intrigued with the idea of a female warrior, and my mother thought Superman was the most powerful being she ever met. and they lived happily ever after."

I ended sarcastically, already tired of sitting in the chair.

"But you said your parents died." Diana pointed out.

I stood from the chair and went to go stand near the railing overlooking the density of this massive underground cave. "They were taken to War World. To fight in the arena of death. Somehow they survived and destroyed the planet with them and Darkside still on it." The memories were eating me up now, I was wishing it I had my amnesia back. It hurt when my grandmother told me the story and it hurt worse telling it. "I was only eight. And that's when I began my training with gods."

"At eight years old," Superman commented.

"I began my training at a younger age." Wonder Woman added.

I began to tell the story of my upbringing on the island of the Amazons to the three Superheroes before me.

' I was raised by Queen Hippolyta, dressed as a girl, hidden from the others on the island. Even so, she taught me the basics of fighting while telling me stories of my mother and father. I lived in an abandoned part of the island only with the Queen for company when she came around. Which was normally around lunchtime or so, but by then I was 8 years old and I had already taught myself to hunt and cook at an early age, of course, the abilities I had as a Kryptonian helped make hunting easy.

And that was when I met the first god to come and train me.

"Seems like hunting comes easy for you."

I turned towards the sound of the feminine voice, it surprised me because I hadn't heard anyone come up from behind. And I could usually hear someone's footsteps from miles away.

"Not easy," I answered, "It's hard to kill these creatures, but their flesh is the only thing to quench my hunger."

I turned my head to the side sizing up the woman before me, She was beautiful, my grandmother was a beauty as well but this woman glowed, her radiance almost too bright to look at. She had cinnamon colored hair that she wore up in a ponytail, Peach colored skin, a bow in her left hand and a plain white dress with a small golden belt at her waist.

"Where're your arrows for the bow?" I asked.

She laughed out loud stifling her laughter by covering her mouth with her empty hand.

"Has your grandmother taught you nothing of the gods of Olympus and the etiquette you should show to them?"

I looked up at the sky in thought,

"Oh," I realized, I pointed at her my eyes wide in shock and amazement.

"So you're a god!" I shouted.

"So nothing about etiquette I presume." She muttered.

She smiled gently and nodded, "Yes, I am a god, a goddess of Olympus."

I realized too late that I was supposed to kneel before a god. I fell on my knees before her, but she lifted up my head with a calm touch, "There's no need, you amuse me, and you are barely a mortal yourself."

I stood up shakily. My grandmother had told me of the gods, they were great beings and only appeared before you if they wanted something from you.

"So why have you come?" I asked, "Surely it wasn't to see my mediocre skills of the hunt." I jested.

Her gentle face changed to one of anger, "I am Artemis goddess of the hunt, believe me when I say your skills are NOT mediocre."

"Sorry. " I answered sheepishly bringing up my hands in surrender.

Artemis turned away from me and said, "There's no way I would come before a man of mediocre skill of hunting."

"So why exactly did you appear before me?" I asked in a soft voice hoping she wouldn't raise her voice to me again.

"To train you of course!" Her smile was big and bright.

"Train me huh," I said with a rather bemused expression on my face.

She gave me another of those stern glares, "What's with that look?"

"Well, with you being a god and all I can't help but think that you have some sort of ulterior motive."

She smiled again this time her smile was more of a sneer, "Of course there's an ulterior motive."

My sheepish expression turned to fear as I realized that my peaceful times on the island had come to an end.

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