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"I just do it 'cause it's fun and more easily accessible than surfing... Wait, why do you guys swim?"


"Haru, imma need you to stop whatever you're doing over there. Now." You said in a monotone. He didn't even spare you a glance in return.

"No, I don't think I will." And then he really did just begin stripping in the middle of the store, huh.

"Haru, you could get in serious trouble for this. Locked up with less access to water-"

"Fine, fine, I get it."


"Makoto! Look at this!!" You caught his attention and shoved your phone in his face. Upon seeing what you pulled up on the device, he felt his pupils dilate from the sheer cuteness of the image. On display were two adorable cats cuddling together in a little banana bed with the cover flap pulled down to expose the cats to the outside world.

"It's... cats! Sleeping in a banana bed!!" You emphasized as if he hadn't just seen the picture with his own eyes.

"Very cute, indeed."

"Don't cry, Makoto! It's okay!"

"I'm not crying!"

"... mm-hmm."


"Okay, so I know that you're going through some stuff, but would it kill you to talk to your sister once in a while? She's really stressed out over you not talking to her."

"I do what I want." He huffed.

"Yeah, yeah; I know, I know. But like..." You put your thumbs up and tucked all of your fingers into your hands except for your pointer fingers, which you tapped against each other repeatedly. You also pursed your lips and made a pleading face, looking from Rin to the floor.

"Pwease?" You tapped your fingers together.

"Oh my god, you are the worst-"

"Yeah, but you love it!" You winked, and he hid his now flushed face in his hands. You have no idea...


"(Naaaaame), time to get some snacks!" Understanding Nagisa's intentions, you whooped as the dutiful hype gal you were, and Nagisa obviously joined in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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