Chapter 12 : Farewell Gathering

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"My Dad is over there!" seeing the waitress walking up to them, Kalani shook her head. "She must be new at the job!"

"What are you doing?" Vicky asked.

"Ever heard of eat and run?" Kalani showed a grin across her face, exchanged eyes with other girls. "NOW!"

As if coordinated, everyone darted to the opposite direction, heading for the two men guarding the back.

Caught in the sudden event, the men tried to block everyone from escaping. Kalani took the front, ducking the man's grab, pulled out the kitchen knife she used to cut the cake, sliced both side of his inner thigh. The man fell on the ground, holding his bleeding artery for dear life.

Brooke leaped and slammed her knee into the other man's chest, struck her elbow to the top of his head at the same time, the double strike sent him five feet back and out cold.

The two older girls broke the human barricade and let their friends through. The two men engaging the waitress shoved her aside, pushing through the tables of customers to pursue their target. Across the atrium, the pair of men was running parallel to the girls, toward the end where their paths meet.

"Jump!" Chloe shouted.

Paige and Kendall jumped over the railing without second thought, fell thirty feet into the atrium, landed on the inflated castle.

"I can't!" Vicky staring down the sheer depth.

"Trust me." Chloe said, taking the young princess' hand.

Seeing men approaching from both sides, Kalani tossed the kitchen knife to Brooke, she caught it and moved into a combat position, blade under fist, the other hand ready to grab.

"What're you gonna use?"

Standing back to back, Kalani guarded her arms across her face, in each hand was a cold steel talon blade.

"Jump! I'll hold them!" Kalani shouted.

"I can't!" Vicky cried, her fists tight on the railing, refusing to let go.

"Come on! Jump!" Paige and Kendall waving from below.

Kalani slashed out her talons like a wild cat, blocking the two attackers. Brooke took on the opposite end, swung out her knife and kicks, buying time for her friends to escape.

Seeing Vicky so terrified of height, Chloe said.

"Please don't hate me!"

"For what?"

Before Vicky could understand, Chloe embraced her legs and stood, threw her over the railing and into the empty space. Vicky screamed at the long seconds of freefall, but found herself cushioned by the softness of the inflated castle.

"You do realize that you've just threw a royal princess off a three story building. Right?" Brooke asked while fighting the men.

"She can have me beheaded when we get out of this!" Chloe already had her feet on the railing, balancing like a gymnast. "You guys coming?"

"Right after I kiss my date goodbye!" Brooke slammed a back fist into a man's mouth, cracking his teeth.

Without a second delay, Chloe leaped into the air, arms reached out for the closest section of the giant balloon castle, breaking her fall and landed in a graceful manner.

Seeing the protectee safe, Kalani and Brooke made their jump, caught the inflated wall with their blades, cutting two big gaps with their descent.

One man followed, jumping over the railing, but by now the inflated castle has lost its structure, he landed on the hard ground breaking both his legs.

Dance Moms Bodyguard (5) ProtecteeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang