Chapter 15 - De Harry Potter

Start from the beginning

“One grande caramel macchiato, one venti hazelnut macchiato, one venti cappuccino, one venti caramel Frappuccino with whipped cream, one venti java chip Frappuccino with whipped cream, one venti cinnamon dolce latte with whipped cream, one venti espresso, one venti caramel flan latte with whipped cream, one venti caffe mocha no whipped cream, one venti caffe misto, and one venti hot chocolate without whipped cream!” She shouts to all of the workers.

“Oh and I am going to need like a coffee carrier thing, preferably something that holds at least 6 at a time,” I say to her and she just nods her head. I look back down at my phone and caption it

When you get the guys Starbucks in the morning…

I walked over to the little counter where they give you the drinks and paid for it. They thankfully gave me a large coffee traveler so I only had to carry one thing. I boarded back to the hotel. When I got in the elevator I checked the time and it was 6:52am. Wow that took longer than I thought. I ride up to the top floor. Maybe the guys are awake? I stop at my room and slide my keycard in. Then I open the door and board into the room. Sure enough the guys are up. I am a bit surprised it is still early. I board into the small kitchen and set the stuff down.

“You said you would be back soon,” Cameron says groggily, he must have just woken up.

“Took longer than expected but you didn’t have to worry because it sounds like you just woke up,” I say. I walk over to the other guys’ room and they are all up as well.

“Hey check to see if the guys in the other room are up,” I say.

“They are,” Matt says, even though nobody got up.

“Well bring them into our room, you guys too, I got you stuff,” I say. They immediately stand up and get Jack, Jack, and Aaron over into our room along with themselves. I put my board down by my suitcase. I walk into the small kitchen, it was slightly concealed so you couldn’t see me from where the boys were.

“Come into the kitchen!” I shout to them. They all walk in, obviously still tired.

“I woke up early so I went to Starbucks. Now I didn’t know what all of you would want so I just guessed based on your personality and what I have seen you eat and drink,” I said giving them fair warning. I opened up the coffee traveler and took out my drink and handed Cam his.

“You got me the right thing though?” He asks looking at me before he takes it, just to make sure.

“Yeah,” I say. All the other guys grab their drinks and take a sip. I look at all of them worried that I got it completely wrong.

“She’s good,” Shawn says. Well I got Shawn’s right.

“How did you know I didn’t like whipped cream?” Johnson asks.

“You seem like the kind of guy who doesn’t like whipped cream I don’t know,” I say in all honesty.

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