Chapter 4

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I have great news. The treaty was signed so the Milky Way will not be destroyed and all living life forms inside won't perish. For any earthling that reads this I think you should know your pretty safe.... unless you piss my dad off. So in other news it's my first day at my old school in my new true form with new powers, New strength in both the mind and body. (A/N that's a lot of new) It should be interesting to say the least. I check my schedule. My first class is P.E.. It should be nice to finally win the boys that think there the best at everything in.. everything. (A/N This is her Friday schedule because he enrolled on a Friday.) I said good bye to my father who insisted I wear my crown but I just barely dogged him enough to teleport away. There was a bright flash of golden light and I was standing in front of the whole class in my gym cloths. They all had there mouths wide open. I smirked just because I could, showing my white teeth and quite a few of the boys breaths hitched. I expected this considering who my father is I am supposed to be a lot more beautiful than mortals. and I don't mean to brag at all or anything but ever since I transformed I got prettier and prettier.
"Close you're mouth you'll catch flies." I said and instantly every one shut there mouth and the teacher started explaining how this class would basically test my skills against the best in the class to see how good I was. So basically he wanted his best students to show how much better humans were. It Really is sad how much he let pride get the best of him. The first test was running so I was paired with an old classmate. His name is Joseph. so I said.
"Hey, Joseph."
"Hi, Bella if it is even you're real name." He responded.
"It isn't." I assured him. He turned looking me up and down.
"You've changed. a lot." he said. He definitely hasn't. He still one of the popular guys that are total players.
"You have no idea how much."i responded.
"I bet I can still beat you at running" he said. I laughed.
"I bet you $10 I will win" I said.
"You're on" he said just as the horn sounded. I sprinted off and got to the finish line in 1.637737639 seconds. Where there was the whole class gaping. Again. So naturally I said.
"Close you're mouth you're gonna catch flies." they closed there mouth and we waited a few minutes until Joseph came gasping and panting. I walked over to him and said.
"You owe me $10" He smirked. The next activity was Gymnastics. I was ok with this in my old form so I should be pretty good now. He paired me with a girl I know. She is from Mexico and took gymnastics every day. he said we had to get from one side to the other and back using one gymnastics move so naturally I chose a triple back flip with a few somersaults and a few moves I invented my self. when I got back considering my speed I came back faster and landed to them gaping. Again. So naturally I said.
"Close you're mouth your going to catch flies." .. Again. Again they all closed there mouths and my opponent came back. The next activity was basketball and again I beat my opponent. Then the bell rang and it was time for math. I snapped my fingers and I was changed. I then teleported to math class nearly giving the new math teacher a heart attack.
"Sorry for frightening you Mrs.." I said.
"Florence. Mrs Florence." she said. She was a pretty,young woman. with crystal clear blue eyes and brown hair. I sat down and made my math materials appear on my desk. I waited bored as the rest of the class walked in. I expected Sophie to sit next to me but instead Fyro sat next to me. He was one of those guys the girls swooned over. He wasn't a player but I never really took a liking to him. To me what every one thought was a handsome face looked like a monkey. I mean it's not just that. His personality was not exactly the best. In my old form he had a nickname for me. Einstein, because I was pretty good at most classes and tried to keep my grades high. Mrs. Florence was writing something on the bored which really was just a glorified form of saying what's 2+2. She then said.
"This is a whole new division of mathematics in which you require a calculator." A calculator. You have got to be kidding me. I think she was going to say something but I cut her off.
"The answer is 4" I said. every one stared at me because she hadn't even passed out the calculators yet. then every one stares at Mrs.Florence as she did it on her calculator and the answer 4 came up on the tiny calculator screen. Then I heard Fyro say.
"Einstein is back." Oh no dad is gonna kill him was all I though before covering him in a force field just as lightning struck it. Everyone looked shocked. especially Fyro.
"Dad, calm down. Its just a nickname. Don't kill him. It's just a nickname." I said to the sky. Slowly the sky cleared up. I sighed in relief and took the force field off Fyro. then with a wave of my hand repaired the hole in the wall the Lightning had done. Then the bell rang. I decided to walk to my next class. leaving behind a very shocked class. The next class was SS. There was a test to see our levels and then I had French which I got to skip because I spoke it fluently. After a quick chat with the teacher she suggested other languages I already knew, so now I have a free period. Then since it was a half day I just teleported home. It could have been worse. At least my dad didn't kill any one. He almost did but he didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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