Team Crusaders

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In the middle of the forest, Yasutoma and his teammates Nagaratsu Uchiha, Ryozou Shimura, Hime Uzumaki, Ahimari Hyuga, Daigo Aburame and Enzorama Senju were now scanning the area in the middle of the forest.

Ryozou Shimura:
" I've sensed something. There are units from the Hidden Cloud Village."

Hime Uzumaki:
" But what are they doing here in the middle of the forest ever since they were accused by the Leaf for killing Neji's father Hizashi after the unsuccessful attempt to kidnap Hinata in the first place."

Ahimari Hyuga:
" However, the Hidden Cloud Village remained neutral in the conflicts."

Suddenly an explosive tag exploded as Yasutoma and his team were dodged it.

Yasutoma Senju:
" From this day forward, we will be known as the Team Crusaders. That's why we need to protect ourselves and not lettiny our guards down."

Ahimari Hyuga:
" Who set up the explosive tags?"

Nagaratsu Uchiha:
" They're shinobi tracking unit from the Hidden Stone Village."

Ahimari Hyuga:
" The Hidden Cloud Ninjas were also fighting the Hidden Stone Ninjas. What should we do now?"

Yasutoma Senju:
" We need to move to the secured area for our strategy."

Enzorama Senju:
" That would be great idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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