Chapter 4

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A/N: yesss!!! long chapter!!! sorry for not updating, my edditor quit and I hade to do all the edditing...:(

Hannah and I were running out of the school and on to the freeway in front. Time was posed so we did not get killed by cars.

-Why are we running? I asked

-Monsters. Time won't work on them.

-And you are telling me now?

But she did not have time to answer. Just at that time a monster jumped out of an empty ally. It hade claws like a lion and a head like a snake, the body of a bear and the wigs of an eagle. Suddenly I sported a silver dagger ling on the ground.

-A gift from the Gods!!! I yelled euphorically

- No, you idiot it was there all along

I ran to the dagger. It felt cold in my grip, like... a popsicle? No that was a lame reference. Well, you get the point. I felt all cool and hero like until the lion/snake/bear/eagle- no I need a better name for it... I know George? Yes, George it is. Well, I felt all cool and hero like until George hit at me with its- no Goege is not an "it" he is Sir George of Willineker. Yes, well Sir Goege hit at me with his claw and almost killed me. I don't know how but I ducked under the claw and stabbed it in the chest.

It- I mean he turned into dust and the wind took it away.

-Don't get so happy, there are more.

- More Georges?


-Yes, the thing that attempted to kill us.

-Well, the proper term for it would be...

-First, "it" is George, I named him so George it is. Second Gorge is not a "it". He is Sir Gorge of Willineker

-You named it- I mean him?

-Why not

It was almost dawn and I was getting hungry do I stopped at a backer and Hannah conjured up some money.

-How much did you make.

-I did not make it, I conjured it, she whispered, I have $5for you and $ 200 for me.

- Ok, I grumbled as I picked up a 5$ lemon pie and put 5$ in its place

We were eating our food when we heard a seek in the distance.

-What was that

- a λιοντάριφίδιαρκούδααετός or what you would know as a George

-they seek?

-Seek and growl and yell and all the noises imaginable.

After we, well mostly Hannah killed George we were sitting down on some rooks out in the front of the bakery I had the most incredible idea.

-I need a name for my dagger.

-well, what are you thinking


-wow first you name a a George and then you name a dagger Daggery.

We were a 30 min drive from his apartment. "He" is the boy, well baby I hade to kill. And yes, you herd right or read, we were driving. We "permanently borrowed" a limo and Hannah sprayed it with some magic fluid so we could pass right trout cars and objects.

-how long till we get there?, I asked.

-For the N°26 535 897 932 386 time: 20 min.

Ok 20 min till we get there then I have to kill "him". I call "him" "him" because I don't know what else to call him. I am pretty good at naming things so I will call him George. Wate no, George is the name of the lion/snake/bear/eagle so I needed a better name. how about... I call the lion/snake/bear/eagle fluffy and I call "him" George. Shure that cold call them that. But I had a feeling that Hannah would not be happy.

From the FutureOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara