chapter 6

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The next morning
Lando was already awake and decide to make some breakfast for Emma ...
After an half hour he toasted some  slices of bread .. he baked some eggs and ordered some smoothies for both of them
He walks up the stairs , and see Emma still sleeping
"Sleepyheadddd wakey wakeyyy I got you some breakfasttt"
"Hmh?" Emma whispered in her morning voice
"Goodmorninggg" "goodmorning , how late is it ??" "Uhmm 9am don't worry Emmie '' "ohw that's okey , do u have plans for today ?" "Uhmm kinda first I'm gonna eat breakfast with that sunshine laying there" he looked at Emma as she started to blush

"After that I'm gonna dress and than I'm leaving with you for a little surprise ;) ...." "Oehhhh that's nice I'm in" Emma started eating the eggs lando baked "wow they're good" "yeahhh great chef right??" "Actually yeah I didn't thought that of you ""AHAHAHAHHAHA in an hour we are leaving okey?" "Ohw sure wanna pick my fit again ??" Al that lando did now was smiled "ofc I wanna Emm"
An half hour later lando was done eating breakfast and was on the moment of picking Emma's outfit "so what you like to wear Emie comfort or classy :))" "hmh what you think that fits me the best :))" "okey okey 10 minutes and I got ur outfit :))" "hmh let me put a timer than " "mhm silly"

After 7 minutes lando have putted an outfit together
*A light blue dress with mini flowers , and some af1's * "Emm ur fit is ready !!" He yelled proudly while Emma was brushing her teeths in the bathroom . She walked out the bathroom , as she walked to the room she saw the outfit laying on the bed . She gasped "this is damn cute :))" "i know I know" lando smilled so bright now "I'll change now " she said  as she walked to the bathroom  2 mins later she walked out a the bathroom "wow you look stunning em" "i know gimme a hug for this bueatiful fit lan :))" lando walked closer to Emma to give her a hugg . While they're hugging Emma almost stop breathing by the feeling off lando,s breathing on her skin and his smell ofc "can I pick ur outfit now lan :))" "how can I say no ofccc" "okey casual or comfortable ?" "Hmh both is cute:))" ten minutes later Emma was ready picking Lando's fit "I'm donee muppetttt" "I'm cominggg" as lando walked in he saw the fit "wow matching again huh :))" "yeahh why nottt you know :))" *Emma picked a oversised light blue shirt grey shorts and af1's as well*
"Wow wow wow this is cute em wait I'm coming to show it " "oehhhh you are stunningggg " "tyyyy Emm , come shall we go for your surprise" "I'm more than ready lann" "let's hope in the carr" "wait can you hold my back for a sec??" "Yeah ofc" couple minutes later they're in the car
" So what are we gonna do ?" "It's a surprise Emmie just waittt" "i can't wait this long tho" "it's a ten minutes drive come onnn" while they're driving lando puts his hand on Emma  her tight and start to caressing it Emma starts blushing and Landon notices that "you like that huh?" "M-maybe yeah :))" lando smiled
"Where here come Emmie" "okey okey " "wait I'll hold your back" they walk for a minute or two untill lando puts his hands over Emma's eyes "what ur doing lannnn AHAHHAHA" "trust me okay??" "I do I do don't worry about that :))" "lando blushed when Emma told him that "hmh okey wait open ur eyes Emmie" as she opened her eyes she was speechless she saw a picknick  at the trees "w-w-w I'm speechless this is so cute  " she said with tears (from happiness) in her eyes ... " Come gimme a hug deserved that right ??" "Yes come here  she said happily :))" while they were hugging lando felt a tear coming on his t-shirt "wait ur crying em ??" "Yes from happiness you don't know how much I love this :))" "than it's okey come let's sit :))" Emma saw Al kinda things like croissants  , bread slices , jam , two pieces of red velvet cake her favourite "wow lan how do you know me so well I love all of this :))" "i have my connections;)" "hmh funny" "i don't know if you like me asking this butt do you wanna tell me something about ur mom ?? It's okay if you don't btw "  "ohw UHMM just for you than  maybe i will get a little emotional butt yeah :))" "it's okey if you don't want it anymore than just stop i understand it  :))" "thanks for the acceptation Lannie :))"

"okey where should I start tho Soo three and a half  weeks ago I think my mom left us but the story UHMM yeah that's kinda weird tho , so it was evening I was just chilling a bit untill my mom walks in she was uhm em im going away .. I'm done with ur shit than I was the mature person talking to her question like mom why are u going? U cant Do this ? It's bullshit  you don't have a reason ? After an half hour she finally told me that the reason was : i was the one hurting her it it it ughh i don't wanna cry but " "hey come her it's okay to cry i understand that it's heavy emmie "
Lando trued to calm her down Wich worked after 5 minutes she could talk further "okay I can talk further ty lannie :))" "Soo i was hurting her she said but that that no I didn't so I said I should say it was kinda rude tho " "rude as the brave gurl you are hmm?" "Yeah yeah dummy" "wanna be tickled again huh?" "Hmh I wouldn't say I don't want it but I wouldn't say no either ..:))" at the moment she said that she got tickled  Emma started to laugh so hard ...
"AHAHAHAHAHAHHA EMM " "LANNN IM GETTING STOMACHACHE FROM LAUGHING STOPP" "how do you ask something miss gurlie ??" "Mr Norris can you please stop tickeling me before I need to use painkillers so my stomachache goes away ??" "Hmh that was sweet but a little sweeter ??" "Please please please Mr Norris she said over the laughing " "okey okey fineee sunshineee" "finally "

"I i I think I'm ready to tell the rest off the mom story ..." "Okey ..." "Where was i tho ??" "At the thing you said that it was rude silly" "how yeah right so I said it's f*cking bullshit in no f*cking way I could hurt you .... She started walking away i screamed ... HOW THE FUCK COULD I HURT YOU THAN !!! i bursted down in tears , YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME NO NO NO  , i can that's why I am doing figure it out yourself hoe you hurted me as she run downstairs 10 seconds later I heard the door slamming close ...
That's that's the moment I- *sighs* my heart broke down thats that's all at that moment I i called her mom . At first she was sweet and was like "it's not ur fault and shit like that " than I heard a doorbell my mom going to her mom on that moment she muted her phone 5 minutes later she unmuted and screamt at me YOUR THE WORST GRANDDAUGHTER and shit like that it was unfair not what I deserved ... On that moment I ended the call I blocked everyone from her side of the family ... I bursted down in tears again hyperventilating .. tryna to call my dad he answered and asked things like what's wrong? Try to breath sweety? Ur mom is just not right , her family is not ! , Don't cry over her , I'm almost home want some Starbucks sweety? Just tryna calm me down Wich made it harder to breath and calm down ... I i i i fainted because I didn't got air anymore after that I was still heartbroken untill three days ago I found happiness finally in moments and in a person I'm so thankful for you :))" "hey it's okey i enjoy times together as well other wise I wouldn't be here huh silly " 

they talked for an hour when they decide to got to the hotel "I'm a little tired lan " " come I'll drive back just take a lil nap in my car :))" Emma was in a deep sleep when they arrived at the hotel lando tried to made her wake up but she wouldn't "okay I see no option to carry her inside and lay her in bed" he carried her and saw paparazzi all over the hotel " Shoot" the paparazzi where shouting "is this ur girlfriend? " "Good luck with ur gf" just things like that while he walked further with Emma he waited a sec for the escalator and than stepped in "hmh what was that ?" He heard her saying with a sleepy voice "how it was paparazzi I'm sorry :(" "nothing you can do about what where they saying ??" "Ohw nothing important :))" "I heard then shouting dummy :))"

Sorry that it's so late but I had private issues 😔 I'm trying to upload one more today Orr tommorow ....

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