²⁴Years ahead

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I start to clean up the papers, "whaaa... work is shit no?"

Nanami chuckled as he stands up and stretched "I guess so"

"Sometimes I just wanna stay home and earn money at the same time"

"Don't we all want to do that"

I yawn, "let's go yeah" i put away the papers and linked my arms with nanami

We walked out, just to see it was raining "hmm..." Nanami hummed trying to figure out what to do

He look down at me and then took off his blazer and wrapped it around me. It was nice and cozy

"People are going to see through your white top you know..."

I smiled up at him "thanks... But what about you? You will get a cold..."

"I don't care if i get a cold... as long as i have my cutie to take care of me, I think im fine"

I blushed, we take a mark and rushed into the rain, quickly getting into the car. As I shut the door i took off my shoes and placed them on the side

He raised a brow at me "why did you do that for?"

"I don't want your car getting dirty"

He chuckled and turned on the engine, he buckled himself up and started to drive off

"You want anything to eat?"

I shook my head, we just drove home. The rain was nice, every drop on the car was claming

I lay back on the seat

My eyes widen "kento!"


"Can we go to the shops quickly..."

"Which one?"

I say which shop I want to go in and he goes straight there without hesitating, he parked outside of it


I nodded, and leaned in for a kiss. "Ill be right back!"

"Oh mm" putting my shoes back on I quickly jump out of the car to rush inside of the store

Not too long I come back out running to the car again, i had a little bag in my hand

I placed it between my legs and took off my shoes again, he eyes the bag "what's in there?"

"Surpise!" I waved my hand "when we get home- ill show it to you"

He drove us home and we went in "show me what's in the bag... unless" he comes up to me, and caresses my cheek "its naughty"

I giggle "no no... its for you actually" i pointed to the couch "go go sit now"

He sits down while pulling his tie "is it some... bondage stuff for me?" He raised an brow

"No... it's nothing like that... unless- I mean- you can..."

He hummed, I grabbed a small box out of the bag and held it in my hands, it was his favourite colour wrapping

I held it out infront of me for him to take it, he grabs it and slowly starts to unwrap it, I also place the 3 other gifts next to him

"So i notice that you usally wear a black tie... and it doesn't really suit you... or the outfit I guess..."

He hummed as he got the wrapping of the box, it looked like a wedding ring box but bigger

"I tried different styles and found the right one for your outfit... I personally think you will like it but I can't say for sure..."

As he opens the box, he immediately falls in love with it, a tie with black spot and gold with a tint of green

"(Y/n)..." he looks up at me

"Do you like it?" I smiled nervously

"I fucking love it!" He takes it out of the box and examines it

"It's made out of fine, expensive material" I smiled big

"You didn't have to..."

I clapped my hands together "i want to see it together!"

He took off his black tie

"Wait wait wait!" I stopped him "look at the others!" I pointed next to him

He picks them up and starts to unwrap them too, his eyes widen "(y/n)... you didn't..."

"Yes i did! I got you a whole set, I think it will look fantastic on you! Now go into our room and give me a fashion show!"

He walks upstairs and puts on all the clothing he just got, he looked himself in the mirror and admired it

He came down stairs and I stood up looking at him

"Ahhh! You look so beautiful!" I skipped towards him, and straighten the small creases

"Thank you (y/n)..." he muttered

"I just want to treat my fianceè and it's also an early 2nd anniversary present" I smiled big

"I love you so much" he hugged me

"i love you too" I muffled


"Na-na-mi!" Norbara shouts

We turned around to see itadori, megumi and Norbara coming towards us

"Hey!" I said cheerfully

She came up to me and hugged me "Nanami looking different"

"Does it suit him?" I asked

"Hell yea! Looking good Nanami!"

He nodded his head in thanks, "Hey (y/n)" megumi and itadori says "Hey kento..."

"Hi" I hugged them both "Do you like kentos new outfit!?"

"It suits him very well" itadori smiled, megumi just nodded


"(Y/n)... come on"

"Awe... okay- I'll see you guys later yeah?"

They nodded and we walked away, I giggled while staring at nanami who is trying to hide his face

"Someone shyyy" I teased

"Shut up... just wait till we get home tonight" I blushed "now look who's shy"

The day went on like any normal day, except that Nanami kept on getting compliments

"Work is shit huh..."

"Yup!" I giggled


As for Gojo, he gave up trying to win (y/n)s heart, he gave up almost 2 year ago now

We had no contact towards him and we never saw him again

He got over what had happend and became a new person, stopped being a whore, stopped disoabying rules and started to become a good person

Sometimes he would wonder about how where we sometimes, if me and Nanami were still together

If me and Nanami had a family

But during those years, he discovered something... truly horrifying

Something that everyone would never exist

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