jack walten x female reader

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It was a another morning like no other as so it seemed, you and rosemary where sipping on some wine as her kids got ready for school "so then I was like Quinn you can't do that pink doesn't go with green!"  She babbled as she took a another sip of her morning wine " I told her it wouldn't look good and not to do it but then the next day she painted her walls green and pink can't you believe that?!" Rosemary whined as she placed her empty wine glass in the sink " I swear that women gets crazyer by the minute! " You replied as you sat your wine glass down.  " Anyway thank you for watching the kids last night! I know they can be alot to handle especially edd" she cover the side of her mouth as she whispered "mom were ready!" Molly called as she walked in with her new backpack rosemary was talking about earlier..

"Ok molly go get you sisters and meet me in the car!" Rosemary shouted as she turned back to you " I'm gonna go take this little bunnies to school! Feel free to pour you a another drink while I'm gone! " She chucked as she headed out the door with her kids, rosemary was such a role model,to you atlest..she was charming and funny no wonder why jack married her..

You sighed as you reached to pour another sip of wine "oh hello y/n!" You flinch at the words as the bottle sliped from your finger tips and headed straight for the floor.. you turned to the voice to see that it was jack who called your name "jack you scared the shit outta me!" You said as you out your hands over your chest. " Oh my bad mrs.y/n I'll clean it up" he said as he put his suit case down and grabbed a broom, you stepped away fearing that you might off stepped in a shared of glass..jack sweep the the remaining mess and threw it in the trash " my apologies mrs.y/n I didn't mean to scare you like that" he apologize "oh no, your fine!" You awkwardly said as you took a sip of the rest of you wine and put it in the sink "I was just being clumsy!" You said as you waved him off. He stoped for a second and looked at you hand "y/n you cut you hand!" He said as he started walking over to you "what no really I'm fin-" you stoped as jack carefully grab you hand and pulled it closer to him "it's really deep..here I'll fixs it up for you!" Jack held carefully on your cut hand and lead you into the master bed room, your mind wonder as you felt blood run up to your check " wait jack I-" you muttered.

"Ok sit right here he said as he let go off you hand, he stepped away from the bed as he searched through a drawer. You felt your self cool down as jacke walked over with a banged "I'm sorry mrs.y/n if I would saw! This wouldn't have happen" jack said as he continued to wrap the bandage around your hand " there you go!" Jack awkwardly pinned the rest of bandage " oh my,thank you" you thanked him as you sat up from the bed "uh your welcome-" you cut him off as you hugged him, jacks heart ached as you hugged him his mind wonder as he hugged you back. Yes indeed he was married to a lovely wife but you were as lovely as she was if not better, you pulled away from him as looked in your eyes he knew what he was about to do was wrong but it felt so right..

Jack slowly pressed his lips against yours, you were shocked but then you slowly have in and kissed him back..

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