Chapter Sixteen

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John's P. O. V

I've missed being this close to Bella, this whole week she's been very busy. I know a lot of us were but, she worked herself the whole week not taking a break. I offered to drive her to the city but she never let me. She came back driving a truck full of stuff. I knew I shouldn't have let her drive, but she's stubborn as a mule.

All the arrangements went smoothly gotta thank the guys for starting early. By Thursday everything was in place and awaiting the arrival of the guests. We just had to entertain the kids during the day playing games. I found Bella reading a book for the youngest kids. She was good, like she was born to entertain children. I'm sure she'd make a great teacher if she didn't have other priorities. From what I heard I didn't think she had a chance, she was meant to inherit one of the biggest businesses. She's the Boss around the Chicago branch already even though she doesn't spend much time in the office. I heard that soon she would be taking the regns from her father. She seems to be very dedicated in everything she does but I think business is not for her. Being the boss would be helpful because then she'd people working for her. That way she could do whatever she wished to do.

Melissa and Amanda were very helpful, they helped in the kitchen. Bella was very busy she didn't even leave until everyone was asleep. We only passed each other saying a few words. I knew I couldn't get her attention and that was okay with me at least I got to see her. She made me wonder if she would like to be a mother someday. And the only man I saw in her life was me. Call it selfishness but I waited so long, I knew she was my future.

After her speech I wanted to go to her but I saw that she was with her family. Later after midnight people were celebrating, hugging wishing a new year for others. I looked around for Bella. I was hoping I would also share the special moments with her even. Especially since we haven't been close for a while, even if it was just a few hours.

I found her hugging some lady by the entrance. The lady then went away leaving her alone, she took her phone out. I saw her typing away, maybe she was sending her friends compliments for the new season. That was my cue as I pulled her out to the room, leading her to the small office next door. When we got there I used the only weapon I had to show her how I longed for her. We kissed for what felt like forever, neither of us willing to stop. We were both out of breath when I decided to pull away.

"Happy new year" I said when I was able to talk.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to do that all week." I was now playing with my hair.

"Happy new year." she said. Nuzzling her face into my chest.

"Do you think they'll notice that you're gone? Can we stay like this for a while." I just wanted to be with her without interruptions. I moved a little out of our embrace locking the door. I then led her to the couch as we both sat down. I pulled her to my chest and started stroking her hair.

We could hear people talking, going up and down the hallway. All I just wanted to do was lay there holding her. I kept on playing with her hair and holding her close. It wasn't long till I heard her soft snores. She was peaceful sleeping as I kissed her hair. I don't know how long I stayed up playing with hair. Looking at her face imagining our kids together. With the way I've been focusing at work I haven't thought about starting a family until I saw Bella with around the kids. I've always wanted a boy and a girl, but three wouldn't be bad.

Bella's POV

I woke up to someone playing with my hair. I moved a little closer holding on to his arms. There was a blanket around us. I looked at it then to him as he smiled at me.

"I sneaked out to get a blanket a little after you fell asleep."

I nodded looking towards the door as I felt like using the bathroom. From the window I could see that it was still early morning. The weather wasn't that bad even though the sun wasn't up.

"What time is it? I think I left my phone in my office yesterday." I asked trying to get up.

"Seven o'clock, I can go with you to find it." he said.

He stood up after me, fixing the blanket and living it on the couch. We walked out to the hallway, going to my office. We got there, unlocking the door I went in and took my phone.

" I'm going to use the bathroom then start with breakfast."

"I'll be here when you come back. I'm just going to use the bathroom too."

We went our separate ways, him going to the male's while I went to the female's. I rinsed my mouth, washing my hands and face. I used the bathroom inventory.

When I got back to the hall Liam was busy cleaning. He packed all the chairs to the corner. I just smiled at him and walked to the kitchen.

I boiled water for the coffee and hot chocolate and I started frying bacon and sausages. I was going to make omelets and scramble some eggs. When Melissa came to the kitchen to help me.

"Morning honey, I didn't know you were up this already."

"Morning Melissa, I decided to help here since the kids will be up soon."

"I know. I saw Liam cleaning and clearing up the dinning hall. You two disappeared last night." she had this mischievous smile.

I didn't know what to say to her, I just continued doing what I was doing. She chuckled and started helping me with cutting the veges for the omelets. When she started on them I decided to bake muffins to go with coffee. I took out the trays and started mixing the ingredients. While I was busy with the butter Liam came to the kitchen. He went to wash his hands tgen took a spoon and tested the butter. I looked him as closed his eyes his Adam's apple going up and down. I heard someone clearing their throat and looked away hiding my embarrassment.

"I didn't think you'd be up so early son it's been a long week. You need to rest before you head back to..." She didn't finish what she was saying as Liam turned with a scowl on his face.

I looked at the both of them then decided to give them some privacy. I walked to the bake to use the oven. I focused on baking trying to distract my mind.

(Why would he be telling me that he was leaving so soon?)

When I came back Melissa was alone in the kitchen. She had a sad look on her face. I pretended that I didn't notice her as I filled the trays for the second batch. I went to the oven out back to loaded them.

By eleven everyone was up and ready for brunch. My family came over they brought a few things for breakfast. That helped a lot as I packed some for the kids. Coffee, hot chocolate and juice was already prepared. Rose and and the sister helped serving everyone as I went to sit with my family.

I did not see Liam after the kitchen incident. I'm sure he went home to pack for his journey. I could have understood if he at least told me what was going on. I knew he would be going back soon I just didn't expect it to be the next day.

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