Origins: Noah and Whelk

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When Barrington Whelk entered his dorm room for his second year at Aglionby Academy, someone was reading his journal.

The someone in question was a rosy-cheeked, blond-haired, narrow-shouldered boy, a sophomore like Whelk. The boy's head snapped up as he saw Whelk enter the room. He tossed the journal away from him, shoulders hunched slightly in guilt as he stood. The boy tried to straighten out his shoulders as he gave a wide smile, hand thrust out in greeting.

"I'm Noah!" The boy said cheerily. "Noah Czerny, your new roommate, at your service." He gave a short little bow.

Whelk raised an eyebrow but accepted Noah's hand. "I suppose you've already looked through the rest of my stuff, then?"

Noah's fair eyebrows shot up towards his hairline. "No! It's just...the notebook was just lying there, and I couldn't help but notice the stickers on the cover. You see, I like all the same bands and I-"

Whelk waved Noah off as he crossed over to the bed to pick up the journal, mentally cursing himself for his own inattentiveness of the journal. Then he turned to face Noah, arms crossed. "I just want to know what I'm getting into this year," he began. "I don't need to be roommates with a snoop."

Noah flushed bright red. "I'm sorry, I-"

"How much did you read?" Whelk sighed.

"Only the first few pages." Noah paused, contemplating. "Well, maybe the first twenty or so."

Whelk just grunted and flipped through the worn pages. He'd covered the front in band stickers to disguise its intended purpose. 

The two boys were quiet for a moment as Whelk turned the journal over in his hands, thinking, and then Noah said, quietly, "I think I know where you can find a ley line."

"What?" Whelk's head shot up, serious eyes set on Noah. He had to be pulling Whelk's leg.

Noah's mouth twisted into a small smile. "Well, from what I read in those pages, ley lines are places where inexplicable things happen, right? One might call it magic?"

Whelk's mouth hung open; he had to remind himself to close it. "I...What makes you think any of this is real?" He held up the journal for indication. "You just read a few pages of some kid's journal and you just...accept it?"

Noah leaned against the bed frame. "I've been waiting for years for an explanation for the inexplicable things in my life," he said. "Maybe you have an answer."

Of all the expectations and worries that Whelk had had this morning about moving onto Aglionby's campus for another school year, this had not been one of them. He didn't quite know how to handle it.

Whelk ran a hand through his dark hair and considered Noah once again, noting his round face and eager expression.

"Alright, Czerny," Whelk said, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Tell me about this place."


Having just moved onto campus for the beginning of the school year, the boys couldn't yet go visit Noah's mystical location. Instead, they quickly bonded over Whelk's journal as they walked between classes and between breaks in study sessions in their dorm room.

Whelk hadn't planned on sharing his quest with anyone. For one thing, he didn't want people to make fun of him, but he also didn't want anyone else to uncover the secrets of the ley line. He didn't think that anyone would care to research it like he did, though. That's why he kept his journal disguised but not locked up.

But then Noah Czerny had discovered Whelk's secrets, had pretty much thrust himself into this quest. Whelk supposed that every great explorer needed a right-hand man.

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