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<Full body inflation>

I bought these candies off of amazon a few days ago. "Blueberry flavored inflatable gums"
The word inflatable caught my attention, I was interested to know what it meant. I bought the candies off of impulse and they arrived just a few hours later. The packaging was very basic. No ingredients or calorie count. I guess that should have been a red flag to me, but I for some reason just ignored it. As soon as I opened the bag, I got hit with a strong sent of blueberries. The candies weren't hard or soft, kind of like sweetish fish I guess. They were just round, blue, sweet gummies. I put one in my mouth and started to chew on it. I immediately got this strange sensation, like I wanted more of this candy. The taste was so strong and.. Delicious! I took 2 more from the package. These were the best candies I had ever eaten! I then looked up, I spotted my reflection in the mirror. Oh great.. Here comes my karma for buying such weird candies.. My face had turned a kind of violet blue. The blue was now spreading to the rest of my body, following it was a sensation of being full. Like I just ate a full meal. When the blue had finally reached down to the tips of my toes, I started to feel.. Weird.. I looked down at myself, had I grown any? Something was definitely off. Then my skin started to feel tight. Dear god I was expanding! My belly started to stretch outwards. My ass and boobs started to fill with juice! Great I was turning into a blueberry! I held on to my belly but nothing was stopping it from growing. I looked 8 months pregnant, I was growing fast. My boobs were leaking with blueberry juice and mg thighs and arms were now starting to fill. I felt so full, so tight. But i kept chewing on the blueberry candies, I just couldn't spit them out. They were to good! My fingers started to pudge up as the juice was struggling to find new places to fill up. My cheeks were puffing up, and my belly was now the size of a small yoga ball! It was getting really hard to move, my parts were expanding fast and I was getting so fat. I fell over on my back, my pudgy legs unable to sit me up anymore. My boobs were huge now, still filling with juice. My clothes had ripped off and I was basically naked now. Good thing my roommate was away on vacation, this would have been embarrassing.. My arms and legs were now sinking into myself, I couldn't move anymore as I started to round. It finally stopped after I had gotten almost as big as my living room. I huffed and puffed, trying to catch my breath. My hands were so fat, I could barely even wiggle them. My boobs were still leaking with the sweet blueberry juice. I figured that I would have to wait until all that juice leaked from me. It's going to be a long wait!
I am finally down to a movable size! I rate this a 5/5 stars definitely. Best experience i've ever had.

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