Natasha and Tony's Demise

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The year is 2023, five years after I was "born." For five years people have tried to move on with their life after Thanos succeeded and wiped out half of life. The remaining Avengers seemed to take it the hardest. I have heard of the Avengers being Earth's mightiest heroes during my siblings and I journey around the universe. They said they were a force to be reckoned with. It made me wonder why they lost but then I realized they were going up against a Titan with Infinity Stones.

In my five years of existence I have never been to Earth. Hearing the stories of the Avengers made me want to go, but my siblings and I were new to the universe and thought it was best to stay together. To be honest we were scared of Thanos. The only thing more powerful than us, that we know of, was the Infinity Stones themselves. For someone to have all of them was frightening. But I tried my hardest to go and see if they needed our help.

"Brother don't you think we should go and help, or maybe even see what the situation is?" I wondered.

"It is safer for us if we stay where we are," Oskar said.

"But we could help and even save the universe in the process, don't you want to be a hero?"

"You need to stop with this dream of becoming a hero," Delia snapped at me.

I was going to talk back to her, but Tamarra gave me a 'don't you dare' look and I decided to keep my mouth shut until I had to go and help.

Not long after that we heard about the Avengers successful time heist to go retrieve the stones. I was happy that they found a way to undo what Thanos did but it upset me when I heard about a certain Avengers death; Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow as the universe knew her. Even though there was nothing I could have done, I still feel guilty. But if you ask me I would say she was such a badass. She was an Avenger with no powers, and kicked major ass.

We heard all about how she died, and I couldn't help but be upset. She died to save the universe. She was on a mission with Hawkeye in 2014 to get the Soul Stone. The Soul Stone was located on a planet called Vormir, a dominion of death. I've been to Vormir and I have to say it's quite beautiful but the only thing there was a huge mountain that you need to climb to get the stone. That's exactly what the two Avengers did. They climbed the mountain and were greeted by Red Skull. He was someone from the past that sought out the Infinity Stones but since no one, except my siblings and I, can hold the Infinity Stones without protection he was banished to Vormir. Red Skull became a guide to anyone who sought the stone.

In order to get the Soul Stone you had to trade a soul for a soul. It makes sense but it's extremely morbid. Without hesitation Natasha Romanoff jumped off the cliff and sacrificed her life for the stone. She was a real hero and I find her to be honorable. But after all that sadness came something so great, the Avengers were successful in bringing back everyone who vanished. It was an incredible sight to see, families reunited, friends back together again, I was overwhelmed with joy. It was amazing.

Unfortunately for the Avengers, they didn't get time to enjoy the fact that their loved ones came back because 2014 Thanos was now in 2023. He wants the stones back so he can destroy all life and create a new universe, a grateful one. I would have loved to be there and fight alongside the Avengers but unfortunately my siblings and I didn't know there was a fight until it was over. I felt extremely guilty. I know I shouldn't but with my help there would barely be a fight. What made me feel even more guilt was that another hero had died.

This time it was Tony Stark, Iron Man. I've heard about him, the egotistical man that only fights for himself. That didn't seem like the case, especially today. He saved the universe from being destroyed by Thanos. He snapped his fingers, even though he was no match for the powers of the Infinity Stones. Even with the gauntlet it was too much power for the man in the can, which he knew and still sacrificed himself. He left behind a daughter who was only five and now fatherless, a wife that had been with him for years, a best friend, a teenager that lost yet another father figure, a team of heroes who care for him, and a thankful universe.

My siblings and I felt the stones being used for the second time (after Bruce Banner used them). We became nervous, but nobody moved and nobody vanished. I thought that that would calm my nerves but it didn't. If someone used the stones and no one vanished then what did they use the stones for? What was the purpose? This was when I couldn't stay here anymore; I needed to go see what happened.

"Oskar, I'm going to Earth," I shouted over the crowds of people that came back.

"For the seven hundredth time NO. YOUR. NOT!"

"Y/N think about this before you go, the Infinity Stones are more powerful than us, what if they use it on you," Tamarra worriedly said.

"I appreciate the concern, but I need to see if they need me. I can't stay here anymore."

"Let me come with you," Rafael turned to me and said, "I'll watch over you."

After some arguing, surprisingly my siblings let us go, and from whatever planet we were on we portal to Earth to be met with a sad scene. We landed a little in the distance from the sight that we were seeing, the Avengers kneeling before the fallen Tony Stark. Ralph and I were too late, he was dead. I couldn't help the tears that ran down my cheeks, even though I didn't even know him.

The following days I couldn't help but feel guilty and sad about Tony Stark's death. I haven't cried since I saw him but I also haven't been sulking in my room. I thought that Rafael and I could take the time to explore earth, and see what all the talk is. On our way to New York City we saw a giant brick wall with graffiti of Iron Man and Black Widow on it. It was amazing, beautiful and really heart touching because I wish I could go back and save them. 

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