Chapter 1

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Liam was sat in Scott's house thinking of a plan to save everyone from the ghost riders. He thought Scott plan was stupid because honestly, it doesn't exactly mention saving the others from wherever they are. Liam turns his attention hearing Scott mention his name "hmm?" He shook his head trying to distract himself from his thoughts because all he has been thinking now is about Theo and why he suddenly trusted him because after all he did kill Scott and turn him against Scott. He zones out again thinking of the time when he brought Theo back with Kira's sword.

Liam remembers putting the sword into the ground. He remembers Theo coming out and just grabbing him by the throat completely out of it. If it wasn't for Mason then Theo would have probably killed. Liam growls and shoves Theo back his eyes were yellow and he looks at Theo then at mason then back at Theo 

"Theo we are not trying to hurt you," Mason said "we are the ones who brought you back"

"Where's my sister?" Theo asked

"Your sister dead. She died a long time ago" Liam answered "you killed her remember"

"I'm gonna kill you two. I'm gonna kill all of you" Theo growls

"Liam" mason gulped since he was only human "send him back"

Liam holds the sword then looks at Theo. He couldn't send him back "you ever heard of the ghost riders?"

Theo nods "I know about the wild Hunt from the dread doctors" he looks at them "whose making decisions around here, where's Scott?. Where's Stiles?"

"You remember Stiles?" Mason asked

"Why wouldn't I remember Stiles?" Theo questioned

"Maybe he useful after all" Liam replied.

"How do we get Stiles back?" Mason asked

"You can't. The wild Hunt comes, the wild Hunt goes" Theo said

"Well they still here," Liam said

"They won't be here unless they stuck," Theo said

"Your gonna help us Theo or are you going back" Liam threatens.

"Let me guess. Scott wasn't a part of the plan" Theo said "Liam, Liam"

Liam was snapped out of his thoughts by Scott who taps him on the shoulder "Liam are you okay?" He was looking worried because Liam never zones out

"Yeah, I'm fine. What were you saying before?" Liam asked

"About the plan. Erm, you go to the school with Theo. I and the others will save the others I want you out the way" Scott answered

Liam frowns slightly. He didn't want to be out the way, he wants to help them a lot.

"Alright well, Lydia you save Stiles. Malia and me we will be sticking very close together" Scott said

Liam ends up not listening again and Zones out. He was now thinking about the time when he took Theo back to Scott's. Why is he thinking so much about Theo? And why now?.

Liam and mason took Theo back to Scott's which of course Liam never thought about. Malia when she first saw Theo tackled him to the ground and starts clawing at him repeatedly growling her head off. Liam watches and tries stopping her "Malia stop" she looks up at Liam her eyes glowing bright blue growling

"It's alright you don't have to," Theo said

"Trust me I won't" Malia growls

Scott comes over flashing his red alpha eyes "Malia enough"  he watches Malia get up "he going back into the ground"

"You can't. He remembers Stiles" Liam said saving Theo ass

"I remember Stiles, Lydia remember Stiles and Scott remembers Stiles" Malia responded confused

Liam inhales "the dread doctors knew all about the wild Hunt. He can help us"

Scott exasperatedly responded "or he could kill us"

"He is my responsibility. Noshiko gave me the sword" Liam argued

Theo smirks "it's so awkward when mom and dad fight"

"SHUT UP!" Malia, Scott and Liam yelled

"He goes back now," Scott said

"Except Liam the one with the sword," Theo said

"SHUT UP" everyone shouts

Scott faces Liam "a word please" he leads him into the living room "you brought him back"

"You don't trust me?" Liam questioned

"I don't trust him. Do you?" Scott asked

"No, but we can use him," Liam said

Scott sighs "remember who he is. He got into your head and you tried to kill me. When that didn't work he did kill me along with Tracy, Josh and his sister"

"This may be our only chance to get Stiles back" Liam argued "look if he disobeys then I put him back in the ground Scott I swear but for now he stays"

Scott looks at him and knows he can't say no and just nods. The two walk back "fine Theo you can help us"

"Liam, Liam dude how could you bring him here?" Mason asked

Mason was now shaking Liam to get his focus back "Liam are you sure you alright. Liam dude comes on" Liam snaps out of it and looks at mason then Scott "thank god. Sheriff Stilinski has Theo in a cell at the station"

"Yeah what about it?" Liam asked then realised what mason said and without thinking replies quickly "wait why. He good now"

Malia hears Liam and growls "last time I checked he wasn't good. He never proved himself"

Liam sighs "I didn't mean that. I meant ugh nevermind"

"Liam just go okay. Sheriff stilinski waiting for you" Scott said "it gets you two out of the way"

Liam nods and takes off running towards the station. Once he got there he just runs straight in ignoring all the other cops. He was only focussing on Theo's scent, the Theo that got inside his head and made him nearly kill Scott, the Theo that has done wrong to his alpha and killed him. For some reason he only cares about helping Theo but why?. That is the question that is wandering around in his mind. That is the question he is asking himself over and over again. Why is he only thinking about helping Theo?.

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