Chapter 3

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They entered the kitchen where everyone that hasn't left was standing around. Aiden began to speak, "what?" He asked all of the people who were staring at them. Marine gave them a confused look as well. One person shook their head and everyone continued on what they were doing. Aiden and Marine just stood there thinking to them selves; 'what the fuck?' They both looked at each other still confused,
"Wanna go somewhere quieter" Marine whispered to Aiden. Aiden nodded his head and follow Marine out side of the house.
We went down and walked along the dark, lonesome street. Every corner there was a lamp post shining a dim, yellow light down on the dark, paved street.
Aiden put his hands in his Jean pockets, "so," he bit his lower lip and looked down at his feet still walking.
Marine let out a slight laugh, "so," she softly replied looking up at Aiden who was looking down with his ragged hair covering the side of his face.
"Brr" Marine shivers and hugged her self, "it's a cold night hey?"
Aiden looked up at her, "do you want my jacket?" He asked.
"Oh, no, I don't want YOU to get cold," she worried with a slight laugh.
"No no, it's okay," Aiden replied as he took off his jacket and put it around Marine.
She smiled, "thank you," she looked up at him and brushed a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear. "You're very kind, for a guy," she said looking away.
Aiden quickly looked at her, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh nothing," Marine continued with a sarcastic tone. Aiden gave her a disgusted face and looked forward, Marine laughed a bit, "im joking, Aiden," she apologized, smiling. Aiden slightly smiled, "yeah, i know," he answered still looking forward.
Marine looked down shy. Aiden noticed and looked over at her, "what's the matter?"
Marine quickly looked up at Aiden, "I just have no place to stay,"
"You can stay at my place for the night," Aiden quickly offered.
Marine smiled, "oh, no, it's okay re-" before Marine could finish, Aiden quickly stopped and put his hand on Marine's shoulder for her to stop too and interrupted her, "Marine, I insist" he stared at her right in her eyes. Marine stared at his and she rolled her eyes, "fine." Aiden smiled when he heard she had accepted his offer, and they started walking to his house, as they were walking, Aiden heard something rush past, behind them. He quickly stopped and turned, "what is it?" Marine asked. "Shh," Aiden quickly said. "Excuse me? Did you just SHOOSH me?" Marine loudly replied. Aiden gave her a frustrated look and Marine shut up real quick after that. Both of them looking back they both heard something behind them and turned to their back. "Aiden... I'm scared," Marine whispered taking a step closer to him. "It's okay Marine, we'll be alright," right after Aiden finished that sentence something jumped after him but missed and just scratched his arm, "Ah!" Aiden groaned, grabbing a hold of his wounded arm. He looked at Marine and quickly commanded, "run... RUN!!" They both started running as fast as they could. Something unknown, something very mysterious caught Aiden's leg. As he fell, hard to the ground, he yelled, "MARINE!!" And hit the ground. Marine turned back and yelled back, "AIDEN!" She ran to him and crouched down and grabbed both his wrists and helped him up. He saw two shiny eyes that were ready to jump. He pushed Marine out of the way just in time for the thing to miss her. "Run Marine!!" Aiden yelled while laying there. "No! I'm not leaving you here!" Marine refused. Aiden grunted and got up and grabbed Marine's arm, pulling her with him.

The next morning they woke up to the bright, blinding rays of the sun.
No scars, no wounds, an unharmed body...
They looked at each other as they laid beside each other in Aiden's bed.
"What just happened?" Marine asked...

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