
Start from the beginning

“Hey Jess. I'm currently in a relationship, and i was wondering if my boyfriend wants to, can he come over later and play with ollie?” 

“Sure! I trust you. He can come over later. We should be back at about noon tomorrow.” She grabs her purse and bag, and her husband comes walking down the stairs. 

“Call me if you need anything!”

“Bye Jess!”

I am now holding Elliana, and ollie is playing with his toys. I decided to text Vinnie and let him know he can come over later. 

Y/n 🖤

Hey, I just talked to Jess, the mom i am babysitting for, and she said you can come over if you want

Vinnie 🖤

Yes! Do you need anything?


Could you stop and get me a slushie?

Also here is the location *location*


Sure. Ill see you in a little bit

“Hey ollie! Guess what?”


“My boyfriend is coming over, so you guys can play with your toys!”

“Can we go swimming?”

“Let me ask him”


Hey vin, can you grab my bathing suit also? Ollie wants to swim



“He said yes. So how about I start fixing some dinner, and we can eat then swim.” i smile and put ellie in her high chair, so i can start fixing me, ollie and vin some dinner

“Yes! Can we have tacos!?” he jumps up and down, getting excited

“Sure. Do you want soft or hard tacos?”


“Ok! Go play with your toys while I fix some food.” he replies with an ‘ok’ and runs off into the living room.

I had Ellie my phone so she could play on it, and I grabbed the hamburger from the fridge. I walk over to the pantry to get the hard tacos so I can put them in the oven. I put 6 in and started on the hamburger. I season it and cook it, and while I'm draining the hamburger I hear a knock on the door. 

“Can I get it y/n??” 

“Let me come with you”

“Ok!” we walk to the front door and he opens it, and its vinnie

“Oh! Vinnie!” I walk over and hug him, and kiss him. I walk back into the kitchen because of the food, and that is where Ellie is. I hear ollie talking to him about his toys and games, and vinnie laughing and talking back. I finish fixing the food and I grab some formula and make that for Ellie, along with some watermelon. 

“Boys! Dinner!” I hear them both come into the dining room and ollie sits on one side of the table, me vinnie sitting at the head of the table and me sitting next to ellie. 

“So, how was your day vin?” I eat my taco while Vinnie tells me about his photo shoot earlier in the day, and skating with the boys. I help Ellie eat the watermelon after I finish. 

“Can we go swimming now y/n?” ollie asks me this after he washes his plate and hands. 

“Go get your swim trunks on and wait for vinnie. I'm gonna go get me and your sister ready and we will come join you.'' I kiss Vinnie and he goes to get his trunks on and take ollie out there. 

I walk upstairs and into Ellie's room with my bathing suit. I set her down on the floor and i walk over to grab her bathing suit. I walk over to her and sit down, undressing her, and putting her bathing suit on, along with a hat on. I stand up, quickly undressing and putting my bathing suit on. I pick her up, going back downstairs and outside. I see her float already in the pool, with vinnie and ollie playing around. I get in the water, ellie laughing and splashing me with the water. I laugh and put her in her float, pulling her around the water. 

“Ok ollie. We cant stay out here for too long, because you and your sister needs to go take showers.”

“That's ok.”

We played in the pool for another 20 minutes and then we all got out. I went to go give ellie a bath, while Vinnie went to help ollie. 

“You wanna take a bath ellie?”

“Ah bah gah buh” 

“I'm gonna take that as a yes” i giggle and undress her, sitting her in the slightly filled tub. She splashes water and i grab her shampoo. I wash her hair, her making slight baby talk, me only understanding some words consisting of bubble, duck, and feet. I wash her body, and let her play in the bubbles a little longer before i start draining the water and drying her off. I put some cute pjs on her, and i bring her out into her room. I carry her out into the hallway, so I can check on Ollie before I put her down. I see Vinnie sitting with him, reading a book. I smile, and realize ellie has fallen asleep, so I walk back into her room, and lay her in her crib. I turn around and see vinnie standing at the doorway, leaning agaisnt it. I smile and pick everything up, and walk over to him. 

“Come on bubs, lets go downstairs” i say this whispering so we wont wake ellie up. 

“Lets go” 

We walk down the stairs and head over to the couch. We lay down, me cuddling into him, watching a random show. 

“I love you vin” i mumble this drifting off to sleep

“I love you so much more y/n”

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