"Valhalla. I heard they lost to a rival gang." Mio speaks up.

Mio, why is your voice shaking? This isn't like her.

"Y-yeah me too. Apparently, a guy from the rival gang died. One of Valhalla's member got arrested " I could feel Vicky's chest vibrating on my back. Gang these days are getting serious. I gotta step my game too then.
The crowd of middle schoolers were murmuring. I couldn't make out what they are saying.

"Bloody Halloween." A different voice spoke out. The crowd settled down immediately. "The blonde boy is talking." Their leader must be speaking. We also stayed silent and listen inventively. "Valhalla's 300 versus Toma's 150. Despite an overwhelming disadvantage. Each of you held your own and claimed victory."

"Not bad." Mio whispered.

"———————— vice leader of the gang we defeated has a message for us about Valhalla."

What was that? What did he say? This is familiar. No. Don't go there. Not there. My head is spinning.

I could hear mumbling from Nikki. What is she saying? My head hurts. Nikki help me. Please.

Im losing it.

But what did he say? He said something before. But I couldn't hear it.

My ear is ringing. My body feels hot. Everything is dark. Im scared. Somebody.





I slowly open my eyes.

The moonlight. It's beautiful tonight.

Somebody blocked the view. Their face is all twisted and weird. Leave me alone. Please...

"Miki! Can you hear me?!" They shook my shoulders. It helped me come into my senses. My eyes are starting to focus. I could make out the shape of their face.

"Nikki? What..What happened?" I manage to pull myself with Vicky supporting my back. "You blacked out back there! And...and.." Nikki begin to sob then bursted into tears. She was crying and trying to form her words. "You scared me! Dammit."

I blacked out. That's what happened. Mio rubbed Nikki's back, comforting her.
"Let's go back home. Ive had enough of today." Vicky left my side and walk toward her bike. "Wait! Stay right the fuck where you are." I pointed my finger at Vicky and stood my ground.

Vicky turned around and froze. "What happened back there? When i was unconscious." They all drooped their heads. Avoiding my question.

"ANSWER ME." Im done with their bullshit. I let my guard down for a second and this happens.

"Miki. Calm down." Mio walk up to me. She looked at me with her dark soulless eyes. "It was for your own good. I was scared too. You don't want to see what we saw. I worry that you..." Mio trailed off her words. She put her hands on my shoulder and squeezed it tightly. Her feelings strongly connects with the hard grip. I can feel it too.

She took a deep breath and took off her mask

"That you would relapsed." Vicky and Nikki turned their heads away.

"But I didn't! Im still me! Guys com'on." I assured them. "I get it. You care. I know that."

I looked at Mio. At Nikki. At Vicky. Then up the sky. The moon. Its still there. Watching me and shining its light. I promised myself and everyone. That I wouldn't go back there. To who i was. I understand where they were coming from.

They're afraid.

"Im glad." Nikki spoke. "Im glad you're still Miki."

She turned to me. Her eyes was glazing. Her dark complexion shines under the moonlight. The tear streaks was tainting her cheeks.

We stayed silent for a while. Finding comfort in the silence. They must be very scared back then.

Sorry. Im sorry for being selfish. For making you cry every time.

"Mannnn. I want something sweet right now. You guys are depressing." They looked at me in disbelief. Vicky scoffed and jangled her keychain. "Lets get some then."

"Alright. Hop on Miki." Mio invites me to ride on her bike. No more beads beating my face tonight.

"You better not let her pull any stunts. I've had enough of heart attacks and surprises" This reminds of the helmet. Hopefully nobody take it yet. "They call me Miki, The unpredictable. For a reason."

"Don't worry, Nikki. Shes not pulling any of those today." Vicky wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me in. She reeks of perfume. She noticed me covering my nose and smirked.

"Everyone ready?" Mio is taking lead. I place my hand on the side of the bike.

"Loser has to buy dinner."
"Now thats what makes me tick" Vicky put on her trusty helmet and ready her position.
"Oi Second devision captain, Go easy on us. Got that?" We laughed at Vicky's plea.

"I can't guarantee that, Vicky." Mio says as she put on her mask.

Everyone twist their keys and revved their engines.

"Ready, Set. Go!"

Mio revved her handle and in a blink of an eye, we were ahead.

Just like that, we make ourselves known as The Black widow of Tokyo.


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