We are going to ASGARD?!

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Not my fanart

Tony was sitting in the living room ( what's it called? ) with the other avengers

Steve was sitting with Bucky on his knee

Pepper was sitting with her arm round Nat

Peter was here with his boyfriend Wade ( after a lot of convincing, Tony approved )

Thor was sitting on his own eating pop tarts

Clint was in the vents ( as usual)

Wanda was in the kitchen with vision making lunch

The only one not there was Bruce, Bruce was in his room reading, he wanted quiet time

After thanos was defeated the world had been more at peace although they had the odd bad guy or alien invasion, but other than that, it was peaceful

Tony sighed and said " I'm going to check on Bruce "

Everyone made a noise in acknowledgement and went back to their convocations

Tony walked down towards Bruce's room and gently knocked on the door

He heard a soft " come in "

He smiled at the softness that Bruce's voice always held and walked in

He saw Bruce sitting on his bed with his book in his hand and glasses on

Tony had always thought Bruce looked cute with his glasses on

" oh, hey Tony! What's up? " Bruce asked putting his bookmark in his book and put it on his bedside cabinet

" I just came to check you were alright, you've been in here all day " Tony said with a kind smile

Bruce smiled and said " I'm fine thanks, I've been reading this book " he picked up the book and Tony saw the title " Sherlock Holmes "

Tony smiled and opened his mouth to say something but someone knocked on the door

Bruce went to the door and saw Wanda smiling " lunch is ready " she said happily

Bruce thanked her and said they would be down in a minute

Bruce's POV

I thanked Wanda then moved back over to Tony

I had a crush on him but i know he didn't like me back, he isn't gay, he's as straight as a line

More like straight as this circle ⭕️

Tony smiled at me and said " right, let's go get lunch shall we? "

I nodded and we went to the kitchen

It was a pasta of some sort, it was incredibly delicious though

Wanda has always been the best at cooking

I watched as everyone was talking and laughing when Thor stood up

" this weekend I will be going back to asgard but this time I invite you all to come if you would like " Thor grinned

( .... we're gonna pretend it wasn't burned down, as much as I like the new agard, I just don't think it would fit the story line if it was new asgard )

Everyone gasped They all started talking at the same time some said " that would be awsome " and others said " asgard?! That sounds so fun! " and one ( I bet you can't guess who ) said " WOW MISTER THOR, I CANT WAIT"

I had been to asgard once before but this time at least we weren't going to be fighting Thor's crazy sister

And it was decided, we were going to asgard

Hi I know this chapter is rubbish but I promise i will try make it better

Thanks for reading


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