The Beginning.

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a/n: i linked a song to this chapter just in case anyone wants to listen along! it plays a big role for this part.



"Hey, Y/N, can you stay a for little while after rehearsal? I need to talk to you about something."

     I nodded in response to Charlie's question and he smiled, continuing on with his quick announcements. His voice boomed through the theater as he tried to begin the last dress rehearsal before our opening night of the school play. He ran over some specific things the cast needed to work on and then shouted, "Alright, everybody, get set for a full run."

     Until this production, I had never acted before, and Charlie had never directed. We didn't even know one another until we both showed up at the interest meeting for it, hosted by our eccentric drama teacher, Ms. Nicks. Charlie had prior acting experience (he pretty much dominated the theater department), but he managed to convince Ms. Nicks to let him direct this time, pleading that he needed to practice since that's what he wanted to pursue as a career.

     I, however, was a bit of a loner. I didn't participate in very many group activities, so I spent my time reading pretentious novels, watching old movies, and painting. I had no intention of ever being an actress until my parents practically forced me to sign up for the play, giving the same "you never know until you try" speech. But, just as they said, it didn't take long for me to completely fall in love with the arts and surprisingly get the female lead in the play.

     Charlie and I had hit it off immediately; as soon as we locked eyes, we became inseparable friends. In my mind, it had grown into something romantic, but I could never tell how he was feeling, so I was content with my little secret crush on Charlie Barber.

     Rehearsal ran smoothly; I remembered all of my lines and movements, making certain theatrical choices throughout to try and impress Charlie and Ms. Nicks. I caught a glimpse of Charlie's smile throughout the rehearsal as he sat in the middle of the vacant auditorium, his dimples on full display. The rehearsal ended and everyone went home, except for me and my beloved.

     "Hey, what did you need to see me for?" I asked him as I walked to his side, waiting for him to gather his things. "I need to talk to you about something," he said, his voice shaky and barely above a whisper.

     My heart pounded as he stood up next to me, our bodies standing close enough for me to see Charlie's hands trembling. "Is everything alright?" I asked, getting worried. "Stay here," he replied.  He briskly walked up to the stage, standing in the center and looking down at me from above. He gave a brief nod to someone hidden off stage, and then all of a sudden, music filled the room.

     As soon as the first few orchestral notes played, I immediately knew the song: "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera. He had introduced me to the works of Andrew Lloyd Webber when the two of us became friends, beginning with this song. He told me this song was always his favorite; in context of the musical, this was the duet where Christine and Raol confess their true love for one another and completely commit to each other. It was clear what he was about to do: Charlie was going to sing to me.

     He looked down at me from center stage with a nervous smile as he began to sing.

"No more talk of darkness,
Forget these wide-eyed fears;
I'm here, nothing can harm you,
My words will warm and calm you.
Let me be your freedom,
Let daylight dry your tears;
I'm here, with you, beside you,
To guard you and to guide you."

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