It wasn't until (M/N) heard Keigo's voice that he snapped out of his trance. "So, do you like it?"

"Like it? It's incredible," He turned to face the blond. "Thank you."

Keigo only grinned in response. "Don't mention it, I had a lot of fun designing the outfit. So, are you ready for the interview then?"

Looking at his face, (M/N) could tell Keigo had spoken to Shota, and knew how terrible he was.

"I'm awful. Shota literally gave up on me because I couldn't do anything. I couldn't be the person he wants me to be," (M/N) sighed.

Keigo thought for a moment. "Why don't you just be yourself?"

(M/N) raised an eyebrow. "Myself? That's no good. Shota called me sullen and hostile."

"Well, you are... around Shota," Keigo smiled. "But I don't find you that way. The prep team loves you. You even won over the gamemakers, and as for the Capitol citizens, no one can stop talking about you. Everyone loves your spirit."

My spirit? What does that mean? That I'm a fighter? Well, it's not like I'm never friendly. Yeah I don't go around smiling at everyone I meet, but I do care for people.

"I'll be in the audience, you'll be able to see me. So just pretend like you're talking to me. Alright?"

(M/N) gave a nod. "Alright."

The two walked to the elevator, where they met up with Katsuki and Rumi. (M/N) could see how stunning the boy looked. He was wearing a black suit that was covered with gold and orange accents, giving off the illusion of gold fire. Both of them portraying their outfits from the opening ceremony. (M/N) assumed they covered Katsuki's body in a powder as well since his skin was shimmering with gold, he also had gold patterns fading into orange around his right eye. While they looked good together, (M/N) was happy they weren't dressed identically.

Shota showed up in a suit as well, which was surprising. (M/N) didn't think he could clean up so well. Emi was wearing one of her over the top outfits as usual, accompanied by an even more ridiculous wig.

When the elevator opened, they could see all the other tributes being lined up for their interviews. Everyone looked like they came out of a fairy tale. First up was the girl from District 1, she wore a sparkling gold dress and had a super complicated looking hairstyle that (M/N) assumed would have taken a few hours to create. Each interview only lasted for three minutes, then a buzzer would go off, signalling that the next tribute was up. Being in District 12 meant (M/N) was going to be last or second last. Oh how he wished he could just go out there and get it over with, instead he had to listen to all the other tributes be witty, funny, charming, fierce, and humble.

(M/N) sat anxiously as the Districts slipped by. The boy from District 1 was a ruthless killing machine, great to hear when (M/N) knew he wanted him dead. Bella was cute and funny, even Wendy managed to come off as charming, despite her obvious nervousness. Although with her outfit, he doubted anyone could tell. She looked like a little angel, wearing a knee length yellow frilly skirt with matching yellow wings.

"I'm very hard to catch," she said meekly when the interviewer, Toshinori, asked what her greatest strength is. "And if they can't catch me, they can't kill me. So don't count me out."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Toshinori responded encouragingly.

The boy from District 11, Shoji, was almost 3 times Wendy's size. He was very intimidating and only gave simple answers. (M/N) noticed he had declined invitations from the career tributes to join their group. Which wasn't surprising since he scored a ten in the evaluations, and he's the biggest tribute. Instead, Shoji kept to himself, speaking to no one except Wendy, who would occasionally sit with him during meal times. He could tell the burly male had a soft spot for the little girl.

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