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"Hey Leslie!" Finola Daley stopped Leslie Biers on the corridor. “Where’re you going?” She had noticed that Leslie was heading in the opposite direction, towards the school parking lot.

"Um, my mum needs me right now." Leslie did not peel her eyes away from the large entrance doors of the high school section of Cyprus Academy.

"Isn’t she in Florida?”

“Oh yeah, sorry, I meant my aunt.”

Finola sensed that something was up with her closest friend. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Leslie gave her a small smile, trying to show that everything was fine. Finola was not falling for it though, she could spot Leslie’s fake smile from a mile away.

Finola crossed her arms; her small round face had a serious expression. "Why aren’t you telling me anything? What's going on Leslie?"

Leslie waved off Finola's array of questions with her right hand, as if they were merely specks of dust in the air, unwanted and unnecessary. "If anyone asks, I’m visiting my aunt, it’s a family emergency. I might be back by lunch. Just remember that." Leslie simply stated, not giving her any real information, and sashayed out of the school, leaving a confused Finola in a throng of chatty students.

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