5sos tour ends

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Calum's POV

Our tour is ending. It was like a dream but our last show is in my hometown. I can't wait. We leave tonight to go back home and we are staying for a little while. The boys keep talking about an Abby. A girl we knew. Well they knew. Everytime I insist that I dont know her they just laugh and say im joking. How could I forget her?
*time lapse*

We get off the airport to see our parents, family, and friends. I notice a pretty girl look at us then starts walking away. Somehow I think I know her. Maybe a girl from the tour. But then why isnt she asking for a picture or something. "Hey Abby" Michael shouts. The pretty girl stops and turns around to see Michael. However, she turns and starts walking away again. Michael runs after her and starts talking to her. He soon comes back and says he is going to leave with her and talk with her for a while. He calls her his bestfreind and says how sad it is that I didnt talk to her yet. I dont know her. Michael leaves with this so called Abby and leaves me too wonder who she is.
*time laspe*

We get back to the house to be met by my pets; my dog, Hunter and my sister's guinea pig, Mulan. "Hunter!" I squeal! This Abby girl was driven right out of my mind.

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