[⚜] Chapter I

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3:47 pm

( Chapter 1)

3rd Person's POV

--SHIRABU PREPARED his table and cleaned it so it wouldn't get messy when he start streaming. He turned on his computer and met by a words meaning it's starting.

He grabbed his coffee and put it on the left side of the table so it wouldn't get spilled, he logged in into the game called 'Underworld' which is about dungeons, completing task, meeting friends, battles, beefs and much more it's a good game and Shirabu has been playing it since it was 1 years ago after it started, he has been playing it for 7 years, meaning he's been playing it when he was in his middle school time (my brain is roasting and I can't do math I'm going to cry).

He was now in the game and the home screen shows 'Map', 'Avatar', 'Settings' and 'Friends'.

He clicked 'Map' and it shows a map of the world of the game (it's pretty difficult to describe it lol, I'm not an expert in creating a game but I play some if I have some free time, that is). He picked the world named 'Grail Of Paradise' and the screen showed his character falling from the sky but then a parachute pop out and the screen loads to a land and met by some another players, the game can also function to have a voice chat or if you're not comfortable with that you can choose chatting.

He went to where /Zem_i/ was ( it's Semi if you aren't familiar with the name :) ). He heard Zem's voice and snapped out of his delusions.

"Oi, Shira you still there bud?" Zem said making his character circled Shirabu as his Cape flows with the wind. "Ah yes, I'm just thinking something irrelevant" Shirabu turned on his mic.

"Aren't you streaming today? Or you're changing the schedule?" Semi asked (I'll just address him that, it's weird to call him his username lol). "Nah, I can't dissapoint my viewers and have them waiting for my stream" Shirabu made his way to his backpack and picked some potions and herbs to sell.

"Are you going to sell that?" Semi asked through Shirabu's headset and he can hear some shuffling at the background but shrugged it off.

"Yeah, since I don't have use for some of these and I'm not really that low on gold" Shirabu took a sip on his coffee and went to the seller, he took the things and was payed by money and lucky for him he got a lucky gift. It's like that whenever you buy and sell something but the chances are 17% and he was lucky today.

"WOAH, YO ZEM" Shirabu yelled to his microphone which causes Semi to make his headphones stay away for a while. "I told you to call me by name and what is it?" Semi made his way to Shirabu's character by the selling shop, "I just got that lucky box" Shirabu was smiling despite his bad day, "That's great Shira!" Semi made his character jump and he made his character smile through the button that made Avatars emote that you can buy, tho it's just for VIP's .

"Thanks!" Shirabu exclaim smiling behind the screen. Shirabu decided to open the
lucky box later and start farming ( not that kind of farming for your info).

"Shira..." Shirabu was taken aback about the way Semi said his name, (gæ) "What is it?" Shirab answered the other one whilst still killing a monster in an level B dungeon.

"I still like you, you know?..." Semi said in a lower tone which made Shira blushed about it, "W-what about it?".

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︎ ︎"Can I be yours?"

To be continued

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This chapter took many days to finish since I forgot I have this story lmaooo. Also cliffhanger is the best 🙈😩🤞🏻

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