Chapter 17: End the Cycle

Start from the beginning

"Eska! Run!" Desna screamed.

Arriving at the top of the castle, Eska couldn't slow her momentum as she ignored his warning. With the nine-tailed fox and metal bender finally face to face, Eska's eyes open as she's directly within the barrel's path. Although Eska tried running from the glow, it was too late. Kuvira shot an extreme burst of spiritual energy with the cannon at maximum charge, disintegrating through everything within its path. Ice turned into vapor and bricks turned into the air as Eska's body burned to a cinder. Within ten seconds, the laser died down along with Eska's brain function.

Just below Eska's breasts, a gaping hole is revealed within her chest. With no heart, lungs, or ribs, Eska falls into her immediate death. Fully regenerated, Desna rushes over to his sister, holding her head between his hands. With a desperate gleam in his eyes, Desna tries performing CPR, blowing into her lifeless mouth. It was obvious that Eska was dead, but Desna's stubbornness didn't accept the current reality.

Even though the cult was responsible for Suyin's and Opal's death, guilt emanated within her soul. With pain coursing through her chest, Lin remembered her sister's death. Staring down at Desna, all she could do was compare how his emotions were similar to what she felt when Suyin died. Feeling bad for the brother, Lin tries to talk to him, even though she doesn't have a single clue on what to say.

"I... I'm sorry it had to come to this." Lin stated.

"Help me! She's dying!" Desna exclaimed.

"She's already dead!" Lin pointed out.

"She can't be! She's my sister. She's the princess of the Northern Tribe! She can't be..." Desna stated.

Desna wanted to deny his sister's death as much as possible, but even faith couldn't bring back the dead. Suddenly, the ground started to shake, indicating the building was collapsing upon itself. Lin grabs a hold of Desna who was still carrying Eska's corpse as Kuvira grabbed everyone away from the scene. As the beautiful crystal palace turns into dust, the burst of energy from the collapsing building, and the weight of four people, send them flying away causing Kuvira to lose traction of their hooks. Luckily, the four fighters weren't so far off the surface and only suffered minor injuries as they pummeled into the ground.

Dust fills the entire kingdom as everyone around the wreckage can't see anything within a ten-meter radius. Lin and Kuvira are right next to each other but manage to lose Desna and Eska. With the people running away from the crash in panic, Kuvira and Lin were the only people around. Comforted that the two are alive, they begin wandering through the smog in search of Desna.

With an hour passing, the two Beifongs' search would be over as the smog cleared and they were able to see Desna cuddling Eska in the distance. They slowly walk towards the two siblings. Tears drop from his eyes as he finally admits her death.

It didn't cross his mind what life would be like without his sister. During the hour Lin and Kuvira looked for him, he began pondering if there was any hope for him. After much consideration, Desna didn't couldn't see any positives through his grief. Looking at the two metal benders, he asked to be executed.

Kuvira and Lin stare at him with a gloomy look on their faces. While they finally got their revenge, all they could feel was sorrow.

"I've never known what life would be like without Eska. It feels painful yet empty at the same time. Is this what it felt like when my sister killed your Opal?" Desna stated.

"Yes... How does it feel?" Kuvira asked.

"It's painful... I couldn't believe this is what we were doing to people like Korra. To you two especially. Perhaps it was the same reason Eska wanted to kill her. Perhaps she sought some solace and tranquility if she killed the two of you." Desna replied.

"I don't care what you feel, you're coming with..."

Kuvira was interrupted as Lin tried having a heartfelt moment with the prince. Sitting down beside him, she begins sharing her story.

"When I killed two of your allies. I didn't feel anything. I wasn't happy nor relieved that they're finally gone. I just felt bloodthirsty. I thought killing you two might be enough, but after looking at you holding your sister, I realized it wasn't." Lin stated.

"Are we both the same coin on different sides? Are we both different people with the same problems?" Desna asked.

"Most likely." Lin stated.

"This cycle of revenge has to end. I can only foresee a future where our offspring make the same mistakes we do.... Please do me a favor.... kill me." Desna stated.

Kuvira gets furious as the masked villain asks for a pleasant death. Putting her arm in front of her, Lin silences her vengeful niece.

"What about your next air?" Lin asked.

Lin was tired of killing her enemies and tried to convince Desna to choose life over death.

"The people get to decide who their leader is, not me..." Desna replied.

"Don't you want to get married? Have kids at least?" Lin asked.

"I asked the same thing with Eska when we were little. We would spend all our time pondering about that. She replied yes but I don't think she meant as much as I did. A world without her is a world that I don't want to live in. Please kill me here. I want to be reunited with Eska." Desna pleads.

Moving closer towards Desna's head, Lin lifts her leg high in the air as she drops the heel of her blade through his neck. His head starts rolling against the cold, stone floor. His eyes were wide open with his mouth smiling with content.

In Desna's perspective, everything turned white. The noise of fire burning houses and buildings crashing suddenly disappeared. With his lifeless head against the white floor, he sees a happy Eska walking from the distance. His lifeless body smiles as he's finally relieved of having the burden to kill more members of Korra's friends.

Unlike Eska, Desna never wanted to kill anyone and only wanted his sister safe. After being a member of the Iron Bloods alongside his sister, his attempts of convincing Eska it wasn't Korra's fault all turned to naught. With Eska now a member of the Iron Bloods, Desna was forced to kill innocents. While Eska's murders were fueled by rage, Desna's were fueled by the necessity to protect his sister from anyone who tried to harm her.

The consequences of his sister's actions started reflecting towards him. However, his sister's death became a sudden blessing in disguise as his days of murder were finally over. Relieved of this duty to protect his sister, Desna can finally rest in peace, living his spiritual life with his sibling for all eternity...

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