Dating Christen Press

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-You and her became comfortable around each other 

-Started dating very quickly

-Moved in together after like a month of dating.

-Her hugging you from behind while you fix the food

-Mega hugs

-Her humming songs from the 90s that he remembers

-Swaying together

-Temple kisses 

-Mindless chatting

-Random kisses

-Neck kisses

-Hair playing


-"Will you dance with me, love?"

-Movie nights to help her un-stress

-Blanket forts and fairy lights

-Her falling asleep with you playing with her hair

-Her having to leave for games

-Always kisses your forehead before she leaves

-when she does finally come home, the hugs she gives you are always so warm, filled with love and last forever

-She really loves to wrap her arms around your waist and nuzzle her face in your neck, and kisses you sweetly

-Helping her calm down after bad games

-Inviting you to the USWNT home games, wearing her shirt, cheering her on and going absolutely crazy when she scores a goal.

-Goes to you for reassurance and love

-Loves to shower you with gifts, either flowers or little bits and bots that he randomly sees and thinks you would like

-You always steal her shirts and hoodies

-When you're in a bad mood, she tries to pull a face or tell you a joke to cheer you up

-"Why doesn't a seagull fly over the bay?"

- "I don't know, why?"

- "Because then it would be called a bagel"

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