Chapter 1: First Impressions are Ever Lasting

Start from the beginning


"Oh I apologise if I offended but I didn't think I'd waste your time by asking to sit down during an interview. Would you like me re-enter?"

Please say yes so we can do the hair flip thing.

"Not at all Ms...?" He tilted his head slightly and observed me as he spoke, waiting for me to fill in my name even though I had no illusions that he did know exactly what it was - after all my resume was right in front of him.


Well at least you didn't screw up your name, so not your worst beginning ever, let's see how long it takes you to screw it up.

"Well then Ms Martin, shall we begin?" He raised an eye brow questionably at me as he rested his head on his thumb and for finger. It was then that I noticed what he looked like. His dark hair was slick back in an old fashion style while his average muscular build hid behind a dark grey suit and black tie and his light brown eyes twinkled like little golden suns.

Hm, very nice. I could get used to this view.

"Ready when you are Mr Runner." I smiled.

His face dropped and his eyes narrowed all of sudden which despite my surety made me almost flinch back and recoil in my seat.

"It's Renner." He clarified through clenched teeth.

I closed my eyes briefly, mentally slapping myself for my stupidity and looking back at the man in question, his eyes were now darkening in anger making his bright eyes that only a moment ago shined like suns fade and die into a cold pile of nothing.

"Of course, so sorry Mr Renner." I corrected myself.

He rolled his eyes and shifted looking a little uncomfortable with this situation and he began flipping through a copy of my resume that was situated just in front of him. My inner self was currently switching between staring at the man and curling up into the foetal position on the floor and laughing at me.

You forgot the man's name! It probably would have been better if you had of forgotten your own!

She laughed, running out of breath while I started to feel a glare heat up my skin making me focus on the here and now. Mr Renner was staring at me slightly confused as he watched me cautiously.

It's okay, I'm not insane I have just misplaced thoughts and morals.

"I'm sorry did you say something?"

"Before we continue I would like to ask you a series of what you may consider very unprofessional and possibly inappropriate questions." He said sternly and quickly while sitting up with a straight posture and interlacing his fingers that were now leaning on the desk in front of him.

Inappropriate? Unprofessional? Well hello Mr hot stuff what kind of inappropriate questions are we talking about? Slightly Sexual perhaps?

I shuttered at the thoughts my inner self was taking me too. I had certainly read too many romance novels. "Yes of course." I nodded and prepared myself for the unexpected - although how one could prepare themselves for the unexpected was beyond me.

"Are you mentally ill?" He asked me calmly as if it he was inquiring about the weather.

"What?" I gaped at him, clearly showing my surprise at his question.

Oh o, he's onto us. Quick run out of the room before he calls the cops. Abort!

"Are you mentally ill?" He repeated.

"What kind of question is that?"

"You were sitting there muttering to yourself for about five minutes Ms Martin and you made the mistake of pissing me off by getting my name wrong, so let's be frank."

Ha he wants to be Frank, okay if he's Frank I shot gun being Matilda.

"I'm simply just nervous, I never interview well but I assure you I'm good at my job and I'll be the best suited for this position." I tried to salvage the situation.

"I cannot afford sloppy mistakes from my staff and clearly you are prone to them."

Shit, do something.

"Please, perhaps if we start again?" I suggested but I could feel the end nearing like a light at the end of tunnel.

"As you mentioned earlier Ms Martin, my time is precious and I don't entertain."

"I never said your time was precious." I said plainly allowing all of my innocence and disappoint seep into my voice.

"Well it is, shall I show you out?" We both stood from our chairs.

"It was nice meeting..." I started but stopped the minute I moved my hand to shake his hand in a bid for goodbye when my hand clipped his coffee mug and the hot liquid flew at him, drenching his groin area and sliding down his pant leg. My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped and looked down watching as the stain ruined the expensive material. "Oh my god, I am so sorry I didn't..."

"Just leave." He interrupted me and started walking over towards the door, opening it up for me to walk through.

Just as I was about to walk out I quickly turned around to apologize once again but I quickly lost control of my handbag letting it fly up and hit the man in the face. He cursed and stepped back from me, his hands flying up to hold his nose.

Run. Run now and run fast.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" I tried apologizing again and moved to help him but he quickly pulled back from me.

"You have three seconds otherwise I'm throwing you in jail for assault." He warned me and that was all I needed. In a quick flash I took the advice of my inner self and started running for the elevator yelling another 'I'm sorry' over my shoulder and exiting the building.

When I made it down to the ground floor I slowly walked out of the building vowing to never enter it again and put my head in my hands.

Well not your best interview but hey, it wasn't your worst.

I took a deep breath and decided I would wallow in my failed attempts of employment later tonight with a bucket of ice cream to join me. Walking over to the curb I yelled out for a taxi and waited patiently hoping that I wouldn't break anyone else's nose before lunch.


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