On the Run

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       “I think this is a good place to rest for tonight.” Phillip Durrune said, plopping down on a tree stump.

       “Yeah.” agreed Marissa Elliot.

      The tall blond girl furrowed her eyebrows together in concentration, her green eyes directed at a fallen branch dotted with dead leaves. Within seconds the branch burst into flames.

       “Way to go Mar!” Phillip cried, rubbing his hands together over the now crackling fire.

       “Do you think we’re safe for the night?” she asked

       “We should be.” Phillip replied, running a hand through his longish blond hair, “We’re in the middle of the woods and left the Institution ages ago.”

       “You don’t think Eloise will track us down?”

       “Sooner or later. But I doubt she will tonight.”


      Satisfied, the two laid down by the warmth of the fire. The heat seemed to recharge their batteries, giving them the energy they would need. The flames cast eerie shadows around them, doing nothing to calm their fear. Eventually, they fell into an deep sleep, their worries miles away.


       “Marissa! We gotta go! They’re coming!”

       Groggy, Marissa opened her sleep filled eyes, to see Phillip inches from her face, stricken with fear.

       “Sup?” she croaked, brushing her hair from her face.

       It was still dark and the fire had long since gone out, leaving only charcoal in it’s place.

       “They’re coming!” he repeated, his voice thick with panic.

        Finally, it seemed to sink in that they were in danger. Marissa sprang to her feet, all feelings of drowsiness had gone from her body.

       Phillip grabbed her hand, making a break for the dense surrounding trees. Try as they might, it was nearly impossible to move quickly and silently through the wood.

      “We can’t out run them.” Marissa said suddenly, stopping in her tracks, doubled over and breathing hard, trying to calm the stitch in her side.

       “Then let’s climb.” suggested Phillip, nodding at a great oak tree to their right.

       “Really?” Marissa asked, “Give me a boost!”

      Within minutes both of them were up in the tree, climbing higher and higher up until the branches got too thin to climb.

      “Think we’re safe?” Marissa asked, sitting on a thick branch, clinging for dear life.

      “Shh!” he shushed her, pointing below.

      Squinting, she was able to make out Eloise Duncoore’s figure. Fear gripped at her insides, pulling her stomach into knots. The girl seemed to be passing through on full alert. She passed their tree unaware they had taken it as a hideout. Suddenly, Eloise stood rooted to the spot. She appeared to have a look of intense concentration upon her face. The girl’s ivory skin rippled over her taut muscles, as specks of black bristly hair grew swiftly into a dense fur coat. Her spine bent in an impossible human angle. Her nails grew longer, curving into sharp claws. Her dark hair seemed to recede and her facial features contorted. Her mouth and nose came together as a snout formed and her eyes parted, furthering the distance between them. Her ears rose to the top of her head shaping them to resemble a husky’s. Within seconds her human form had morphed into that of a dark wolf.

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