A Different Version

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"Who's Nightwing and who the hell are you guys?"

"Dick.. it's us. Don't you remember?" Red Robin asked
"What the fuck happened?" Red Hood said
"Who are you guys? And how the hell do you know my name?" A very agitated Dick asked
"Alright, listen Dick. We need you to calm down" Red Hood said, not knowing what was going through his older now younger brothers head.
"We're not here to hurt you" said Red Robin
"Who do you work for?" Dick asked before looking at Jason's chest and noticing the red bat symbol.
"Do you work for Batman?" Dick asked
"Not really, but we are not your enemy" Red Hood tried to reassure the younger boy
"Grayson we will explain everything, we just need you to come back to the cave with us" Robin said
"Hell no" Dick said "I'm not going anywhere with you lot and I'm sure as hell not going anywhere involving Batman, he can come here and drag me down there himself if he wants"
The three other vigilantes were shocked by Dick's outburst, he seemed completely different to before.
Before another word could be said Robin had grabbed a metal pipe and knocked Dick unconscious.
"Seriously Robin! Was that really necessary?! Red Robin said
"Yes" Robin said with a blank tone
"At least now we can get him back to the cave without hussle. Good timing too, the cops are nearly here" Red hood said, lifting the teenage Dick over his shoulder
"Let's go, I can try and make an antidote at the cave" Red Robin said
The three vigilantes than sped off through the streets of Gotham carrying there de-aged brother over their shoulders.

                      ~some time later~

Dick had woken up with a horrible headache, his vision had become blurry and he felt like he was going to be sick. As he tried to recollect what had happened and regain his composure he realised he wasn't at Titans tower, but at the medical bay of the Batcave, although everything looked slightly different and new, he still could tell he was in the cave. He couldn't  remember how he got there until he remembered the three other vigilantes, there was a tall one with a red helmet and motorbike jacket , another one that seemed a lot slimmer and shorter than the first and wore a red and black costume with a yellow R and a much smaller one that was wearing what appeared to be a Robin costume, it had the same colours but was still completely different to Dick's.
It had seemed that Batman had replaced Dick as Robin. 'But that's impossible' Dick thought,'Bruce wouldn't replace me'. Sure they weren't on the best of terms at the moment but Bruce wouldn't give Robin to someone else without telling Dick, especially knowing how important it was to him.

Whatever.That doesn't matter now. Dick has to focus on getting out the cave and manor without anyone realising and thinking about Batman will get him nowhere. He has to focus and prepare for whatever will happen. 'Hopefully this goes well' Dick prayed.

In the main part of the Batcave stood Jason , Tim and Damian, still with their costumes on but without the masks, deciding how the fuck they were going to deal with their older-younger brother and how the hell they were going to explain this to Bruce and Alfred when they got back. Bruce was on a business trip for the week and Alfred had gone to England to visit his daughter, hopefully they wouldn't find out.

"Drake, could you please hurry up and make this antidote before Grayson wakes up"

"It's difficult. This toxin is new and the ingredients are very advanced, I suspect Crane got most of them from Ivy, this is going to take a while" Tim responded

"How long is it going to take?" Jason asked

"At least a day or two"

"We do not have time for this!" Damian said

"Damian, if I could make it faster I would. Unless you want to have a go."

"I might as well. We would actually get something done and Grayson can go back to normal. Your incompetence astounds me, Drake"

"Shut it you little-"

"Enough!" Red Hood shouted, his voice echoing throughout the cave. "Your stupid bickering is going to get us no where, although I don't see the point in trying. As far as I'm concerned Dick deserves no help"

"Jay I know your angry, we all are. But I think it's only fair we deal with it with the Dick that lied to us and not some confused possibly scared teenager"

"Believe me, I'm not scared of you"
Alerted by the sudden voice the three boys turned round to find a disheveled, younger version of their brother standing behind them.
His hair was slightly messy, he's shorter and slimmer than usual and his Nightwing costume looked loose on him, he looked around to be maybe 14 to 15.

"You know it's rude to stand and stare" he said with a slight smirk on his face

"How long you've been awake?" Tim asked

"About 20 minutes"

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" Damian asked

"Maybe. I like to get to know who I have to deal with"

"Alright listen, don't get to ahead of yourself. They're only trying to help" Jason said

"And your not" it was more of a statement than a question


"Then why are you still here?" Dick asked with a tone that sounded like he was interrogating Jason

Jason did not like it.

"I'm only here to make sure nothing goes wrong. If it does then it's my head Bruce will be after, not yours"

"What happened to me?"

"It was Scarecrow." Tim said "He had a new toxin, you got hit and now it seems to of de-aged you."

"Oh. How long will the antidote take?"

"A day or two at most, I have to find out what ingredients he exactly used."

"I see" Dick said

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Tim asked

"Just turned 15" Dick replied

"And you don't remember anything?"

"Not a thing, so if you don't mind me asking..Who are you guys?"

"I'm Tim Drake"
"I'm Jason Todd"
"And I am Damian Wayne, the current Robin"

"Wayne?" Dick questioned

"Yes, I am the biological son of Batman"

"And the other two?"

"We were adopted" Jason said "We've all been Robin at some point, though some did not make it alive."

"Seriously Hood?!" Tim said

"What does he mean by that?" Dick asked

"Nothing. It's just a joke, nothing to worry about."

"Alright then" Dick said warily

There was an awkward silence. It was obvious Dick did not trust them, but it was something more than that. Although Dick seemed near enough the same there were some differences the others found odd, he was more standoffish and seemed more serious, his voice was not as light-hearted and it seemed like his eyes were evaluating what move you were going to make next, he seemed to much like Batman. Speaking of which, he had not actually asked anything about Bruce and seemed to avoid mentioning him at all, this is what the three others found the most strange, compared to the Dick they knew this version of him might as well be a complete stranger.

They just had to focus on keeping an eye on the teenage version of their brother and finding an antidote, than everything can go back to normal and they can go their separate ways.

Everything will be alright.


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