Chapter 4

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After everyone introduces themselves, Bakugou takes out his phone. He gets frustrated when it doesn't work. He tries everything, like raising it to the sky. Uraraka then takes her phone out and tries the same thing. "Dumbass!! If it doesn't work for me what makes you think it'll work for you!ー"

As he's yelling, Uraraka doesn't even flinch. Because he yells at everyone about every little thing. Uraraka reaches and is able to quickly touch his chest with all five of her fingers. Making him float. He continues yelling as he reaches closer and closer to the ceiling.

"Uh..How is he able to do that? Does he have powers?!" Pidge asked, with a little twinkle in their eye. Uraraka looked at them with a confused look.

"You don't have quirks?" She asks with her hand ready to release Bakugou, but not quite yet. Everyone shakes their head no, and the questions start rolling in again.

"What's a quirk? And why do you call it that?"

"Are you born with them?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Do these 'quirks' give metaphorical power along with physical power?"

"Is there a percentage without them?"

"Can two people have the same 'quirk' at the same time? Or is each quirk unique to an individual?"

"Please, stop with the questions about our quirks. I'll gladly answer them, but please ask them one at a time." Uraraka calms down the paladins as she touches all of her fingers together. Releasing Bakugou. He screams on his way down. When he's close enough, he makes large explosions to break his fall.

"What the hell round-face?! Why'd you drop me like that!!?" Bakugou yelled from a few feet away. "Are you asking for a rematch?!"

"No, Bakugou. We are the guests here, and it would be very rude to fight with each other on their turf." Uraraka tries to calm Bakugou down. But he remains stubborn.

He uses his explosions to fly, and charge at Uraraka. She dodges away from the paladins, and looks around for things to float. Bakugou keeps chasing her and she keeps dodging and running away. It looks like a violent game of cat and mouse. As Uraraka is looking for things to float, she sees a vent near the ceiling. She holds her own hand and starts floating herself to the vent.

The look on the paladin's faces were mixed. Consisting of awe, wonder, and confusion. As Uraraka reaches the vent, she releases herself. Grasping onto the vent. She did her best to get past the vent gate.

When she gets it off, she climbs in. Putting the vent gate back where it was a moment ago.

Bakugou uses his explosions to fly up to the gate. He tries to force it off, but it remains stubborn. Not long after he gets up there, he's forced down by Pidge, with their bayard.

Bakugou hits the ground hard enough to knock him unconscious. Before he is fully unconscious, Hunk and Lance worked together to drag him away. He was dragged a few feet before he fell into the void of sleep.

Uraraka was still up in the vents. Trying to navigate the maze of the castle from there. "How big is this room? It feels like I've been going either in circles or I haven't reached the end of the room yet." Uraraka said to herself a while after leaving Bakugou.


Author's Note: I have the entire day off today, so I'm updating my stories to be as up to date as possible. And This story is coming along slowly, but surely. Love you all and Stay safe! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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