I laid back down on my bed, and sighed and re-played the events of last night! I quickly sat up ignoring the pain from my wounds. I started dancing around my room as fast as I could. I was the new queen! After five long years I finally did it! I have respect EVERYWHERE! This is great! I suddenly remember my wounds and sit down, I was out of breathe.

"Addie hurry up and get down here and eat!" Bill called up to me.

"Coming!" I said going down the stairs very slowly. When I reached the bottom I was greeted by Billy who was putting eggs and bacon on a plate for me, I took it and started eating it, I finished eating it and started going upstairs.

"Addie before you go upstairs I got to talk to you." Bill said face looking serious.

"Yes Bill?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know how to say this but..."

"Spit it out!" I said I hated when people take a long time to say some things.

"Well your switching schools," He said looking down.

"Why?" I asked I can't believe my voice sounding so calm when on the inside I was freaking out.

"Well I know your smart, and your school isn't going to help you get into any college so I switched you." He stated simply.

"Which school?" I asked.

"Treegrove High, and I know you don't like your school that your out right now, so that can change."

Anger,confusion and excitement bubbled up in me.

"Isn't that a expensive school?" I asked.

"Your on full scholarship." He said grinning, I couldn't help but grin back.

"When do I go?" I asked.

"Next Monday," He said, so that gave me a whole week  to heal up before I got to my new school.

"Alright thanks Bill, i'm going to get going, I need to pay off the rent for the apartment." I said sighing.

"Alright babe, see you later." He said kissing my head.

I sighed and starting walking toward the door.

I started walking home very slowly, I live in the bad part of town, where mugger's live and what not. I made sure I didn't see any cars and I cross the street about 45 minutes later I was in front of my apartment, it was about the size of a regular room, in one corner it had a small kitchen with a fridge and a stove, then there was the living room, in the other room there's my bathroom and in another room there's my room, that's it.

I sighed and went into my room and layed down going into a dreamless state.


When I woke up I had a urge to take a shower, so I went into my small bathroom and stepped into the shower, the water would not turn hot so I just bathed in coldness. When I was finished I went into my room and changed into black skinny's and a pink tank top. I decided to visit my 'friends' today. I quickly did my my makeup and did my hair and slipped on my converse and headed out. I got into my little cheap car headed out. In five minutes I was here.

I stepped out and made my way in. The ring smelled of sweat and blood. I smirked and was greeted by everyone, I had lots of respect at this ring as well as others. There's fighters everywhere we have a code, you make a heart with your hands and say 'Boston leaf' and they know who you are and if you are a threat.

"Yo A!" My best friend Alfred came up to me and slapped me on the back.

"That was the best fighting i've seen from you in a while!" Alfred said beaming at me.

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