SockSMP (Tbh x Reader)

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Request from angellol1! I think there will be more chapters about the SockSMP. (probably only if i get requests about it, tho.)
Y/n's POV
I slammed the door to your house as Nadwe and Oof tried to assure me everything would be alright. How would it be alright?! Tbh just got tossed into a jail cell.. "Y/n, please listen-" Oof tried to say. "Shut up, Oof! I don't want anyone's pity! I just want Tbh back..!" I said, tears streaming down my face. There was a long silence before I heard Nadwe say, "Okay, fine, Y/n. Good night, see you in the morning." I was too sad to even respond. I will not let Tbh go down like this!
I slowly and carefully opened the door and looked around so no one could see what I was doing. The coast was clear, so I snuck out. I put a pillow under my blanket to make sure no one would suspect anything. I slowly walked to Tbh's jail cell, and when it was in sight, I ran as fast as I could. "Tbh!" I yelled. "Y-Y/n.. What are you doing here?" Tbh asked me. He looked like he had been crying, his eyes were really red. "I want to be with you.. I miss you so much! I don't know why they threw you in here, you're innocent!" I said. I felt like crying, but Tbh was here.. and I feel more comfortable with him. "Y/n, I don't know what's wrong with Meme. He thinks I killed Wiktoria! I would never do that. He's my best friend, and that was his soon to be wife." Tbh said.
"I don't know what's wrong with him either. I swear, he's crazy! Throwing his best friend into a jail cell.." I said. I vowed to help Tbh but first...
"Tbh, I'll visit you every night. I'll keep you updated on who I think actually killed Wiktoria. I'll prove you innocent, and get you outta here!" I said, confidently. "Thank you so much, Y/n! I'm so lucky to have a friend like you." Tbh said. He blushed and I blushed too. I figured I should get back to my house so, I said goodbye to Tbh and sprinted back.
-Time Skip-
*Knock knock knock!*
Hearing that sound, my eyes shot open and I quickly fixed my hair, and I hid the bulletin board where I was trying to figure out who killed Wiktoria. I also shoved all of the papers and all the other crap that was on my desk onto the floor. I rushed to the door and opened it, and Muffin waa standing there. "Hey, Y/n. I wanted to make you feel better." He said. I looked him up and down and he still looked homeless. "How could you possibly cheer me up?" I asked.
"Well, since Tbh uhh.. You know.. I've been thinking, he's definitely innocent! I've thought about it in Meme's bathroom, and to me, it makes sense either Laff, Oof, or Oompa." Muffin said. "First of all, yeah, he's totally innocent. Second of all, what the heck were you doing in Meme's bathroom? Third of all, I have no idea how that logic makes sense." I said, confused.

"I said it makes sense to me!" Muffin yelled. "Whatever, Muffin." I said. "G'day, mates!" I heard Laff say to us. "Laff, you on crack-?" Muffin asked. "Yes, Muffin. I am. Now go back to Meme's bathroom. I need to talk to Y/n." Laff said, looking at me. "'Kay, fine." Muffin said.

I got a bit nervous on why Laff wanted to talk to me, but I knew he didn't know I visited Tbh last night. "Y/n, I'm taking a little survey. Who do you think killed Wiktoria?" Laff asked. I thought back to what Muffin said earlier and just said what came to my head. "OOPMA!" I yelled. "Jeez, Y/n. You don't have to yell. I'm right here, you know." Laff said, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry.." I said. "But okay. You're the only one that thinks it's Oompa so far. Everyone else thinks it's Tbh." Laff said. I clenched my fists and tried to calm myself down, but I don't think it was working. "Thanks for your theory, Y/n. See you later." Laff said, barely noticing my mixed emotions of sadness and anger.

-Time Skip to the night because I'm still lazy-

"Hey, Tbh!" I said. "Hi, Y/n. I'm excited to see what you think about who actually killed Wiktoria." Tbh said. "Well, I honestly think it's Oompa.. He was being a weirdo at the wedding, staring at Nadwe. Nadwe's only a minor. Plus, he loves weapons. When we played among us, he went crazy over the huge gold gun. Maybe he stole a weapon from somewhere and killed Wiktoria?" I said, unsure about my logic. I looked back at Tbh and he looked horrified. "What?" I asked. "Y-Y/n.. Look behind you..." Tbh barely managed to say. I slowly turned around and saw Laff standing there. My mouth dropped open and I was shocked. "Well, well, well Y/n. Look what I discovered." Laff said.

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