He came over and hugged me tight.

Sienna POV

Ben had been nothing but a gentleman once he showed up at Silver Tide. Even if I was still upset that he didn't wait on me, he still seemed pretty regretful about his actions and has been trying extra hard to win my affections.

All that week, he would do those little things like buy me flowers, ask me about my life and interests without breaking his attention from me, taking me on romantic dates, and I even got to take him on his first trip to see the ocean. It was actually a pretty magical moment to see. I guess I had gotten so used to the ocean just being part of my life that I hadn't taken the time to consider what it was like for someone to see it for the first time. The smell of the briny water catching your nose as your toes sunk into the shifting sand. The light that is cast off the tides as the roll into the shore. Getting to see what the water brings up to the shoreline or what the receding water uncovers under the layers of sand already built up.

But despite all of those magical moments, I couldn't help but be concerned about the relationship between Eva and Callum. The only feelings I had been getting off of that guy were possessiveness, arrogance and the feeling that Eva was more of a trophy than a mate. It made my heart hurt to know that someone out there loved Eva for everything that she was - inside and out - and this guy didn't seem to appreciate much about what made Eva - well Eva. Did he know that she loves seafood except sushi? That she loves playing games with family and friends - and I mean not just backyard football, but card and board games? That she has eclectic taste in music and hates when the colors of her clothes don't match - right down to the shade of the colors she is wearing? That she hates dresses and heels but loves camo and boots? I doubt he's even taken the time to learn even a fraction of anything close to those things. Ben might not be perfect, but he's already learned that despite my love for the ocean - my favorite meal is steak and potatoes - not seafood. That my favorite color is yellow, and that my favorite flower are daisies.

It seemed however that Callum could take cues from Ben. Callum hadn't really taken Eva out on a date yet, but tonight that was going to change. We both had dates with our mates - separately thankfully. I loved my cousin, but I wasn't sure how I was going to survive with Callum as my Alpha. Of course, I was sure he was actually a good Alpha, but I just didn't personally like the guy. For the sake of my cousin, I was going to help in any way possible.

"I hate wearing dresses Si, but this is the first dinner date Callum has taken me on. I feel like I need to wear a dress, so which one?"

Eva held up a sage green dress with a floral print, a white dress with a rose print, and a wine colored dress with the same V-neckline, spaghetti straps and asymmetrical hemline as the white dress. She would look gorgeous in any of them - it's a shame she doesn't wear them more often. We eventually decided on the green dress for Eva and a teal dress with lace top for me.

After an hour of getting ready, it was almost time for our dates to get there to pick us up. Hopefully this night goes great for both of us.

Ben was early carrying a beautiful bouquet of daisies in a variety of shades of pink and red. I couldn't contain my happiness. As soon as he handed me the flowers, I ran over and hugged him tight and kissed his check - a slight blush covering his cheeks.

"How beautfiul!" Eva exclaimed from the stairs - she couldn't help but come down and explore why I was so excited.

"These are the prettiest flowers I've ever seen!" I yelled.

"I'll put them in water. You guys go have fun." Eva offered.

"Thanks, Eva. Callum should be along shortly." Ben told her, and she just smiled.

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