The Lotus in the Mud

Start from the beginning

Like a lotus in mud, he was surrounded by the disciples. The water droplets gleamed in his drenched hair, forming a curtain around his beautiful face. Water dripped down his neck, his navel, all the way to his delicate yet well - built torso. It was as if he wore fluid diamonds all over him. His eyes were reflective, and changed colour every moment. But most of all, Wangji loved his laughter.

When the boy laughed, Wangji stopped thinking. It rooted him, yet made him euphoric. If Wangji heard that laughter when he was upset or devastated, he knew all his troubles would melt just like his brain had at that moment. Oh, Wangji would break Gusu Lan rules for that laugh.

He was vaguely aware of the fact that his ears had turned a beet red, and he had been staring for a solid minute before the boy noticed him.

Time stilled. The boy looked at Wangji, and then burst into a grin. And then... The boy did something Wangji never expected. The boy winked at him.

As if a dam had burst, Wangji could feel the blood in his body storming his heart. How could someone be so beautiful, so heart-rending, so absolutely amazing? Wangji feared that he would combust at that very moment if he did not leave.

Wangji all but ran from there. He could hear loud laughter in the back. He didn't stop. For all he knew, the boy was a siren sent to lure Wangji into the depths of the lake. Yes. He could only be a siren.

Wangji returned to the inn and retired to his bedroom early. Maybe sleep would help. What Wangji did not realise was that all the Heavenly Officials had forsaken his poor self. All he could see when he closed his eyes was the vision of that beautiful boy, engraved into his heart.

Whenever he tried to sleep, he would hear his laughter. Wangji wondered whether he was being haunted, enchanted or tricked. What other explanation was there for such an occurrence?

Since he couldn't sleep, Wangji went to Zian's room. Other than his own family, Zian was Wangji's best friend. He had insisted on coming with Wangji so that he could see his friend's husband and help Wangji decide on whether they should marry or not. The best part was, Zian was dense. He wouldn't understand what Wangji was hinting at so it would save him embarrassment.

He knocked on the door and a sleepy Zian opened it. "Wangji? Didn't you sleep yet? What happened?"

"I need help."

"Come in. Let's talk after I drink some water. Gods, Wangji, this is so unlike you."

Wangji sat down across Zian. Once the latter seemed sane, Wangji began.

"I suddenly remembered a problem Father posed to me a few days ago. A man was strolling along a river body one day, and he sees another person playing in the water. Suddenly, the man loses his sensibility. All he can see and hear afterwards is the person he saw that day. What do you think afflicts the man?"

"Wangji! This question was not one which requires knowledge, you little fool. This one requires experience. As your best friend, I believe I should help you. The man is not afflicted by anything. He's in love."


"Is not! Think about it. If your Father posed a question to you, maybe he wants you to learn from the answer. The man in the story has falled for the person from the lake at first sight. Ah. I wonder how you're the smartest student of Gusu Lan. Now go sleep. Send Master a letter in the morning. I guarantee you I'm right."

With this, Zian walked upto his bed and collapsed on it. Wangji left the room, his brain a kaleidoscope of thoughts.

Lan Wangji had heard of love at first sight. His father fell in love with his mother at first sight. What Wangji did not expect was that such an inexplicable phenomenon would happen to him.

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