[1] Wattpad Cliches

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Cliché Number One: Good Girl Falls For Bad Boy And He Eventually Falls Back After A Series of Random Crap And Probably A Bet Between Him and His Friends Or Something Like That Was The Cause Of It. Then, Some Blond Comes To Try And Steal Him And That Adds Some Form Of Drama To The Story :)

“OMG, do you see him coming, Carly?”

Looking up from my book that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot of this story, I gasped and saw that the hottest kid in school, Ashton Greene was making his way over to me with a flirtatious glint in his eyes. My friend Heather, who probably won't be mentioned for a few chapters while I think about Ashton for a bit giggled uncontrollably, but managed to hide it just in time for Ashton to make it over to us and smile even bigger than he was already.

It was obvious that I liked him, and whether or not her knew that, I would never know. I'm too shy to say anything to him—shocker, right?—so the chances of us ever becoming a couple are like slim to none. What he was doing over here in the first place was a mystery to me, but when he spoke, I guess I would figure that out. 'I mean, obviously. He came over to speak like any other normal person would do.'

“Hey Carly, hey Heather.”

We both said 'hi' in unison, and sent each other a small, yet completely obvious look, before I spoke up. “What are you doing here, Ashton? Don't you have some girl to be kissing or some classwork to not be doing?” At the sound of my words, I grew wide eyed behind my large framed glasses and brought my hand up to my mouth.

Heather coughed to cover a laugh and quickly shook her head before taking Ashton's attention off of me. “What my diarrhea mouth friend means is, why did you just randomly decided to walk over here and talk to us? We were just minding our business, and you, someone from a completely different social circle just randomly decided to walk over here. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were up to something.” She gave him a look that made it seem like she was a cop, he was a prisoner and she was onto him, and I couldn't help but blush for her. We were 'nerds', or so everyone said, so why Mr. Popularity himself was wasting his time with us was something that made me a bit uneasy—no matter how cliché-ly wet I got whenever he was around. Talk about being an obvious virgin. . .

He had clearly been thrown off by our strangeness because he put his hands up in defense and smiled at me. “I'm just here to see if Carly has any plans for the weekend. The carnival is coming to town and I need a date.” He grabbed my hand, something that was most likely rehearsed and smiled again. “Would you care to accompany me?”

And just like in every other story, Heather answered for me with a big grin on her face. “She would love to go with you. In fact, just pick her up at her house around seven.” She didn't even tell him my address before shooing him away, but seeing that no one ever exchanges addresses anymore and the date for the night always just knows where your house it, making you wonder if he'd been stalking you or not, I guess there wasn't much of a problem, I mean, he was going to tell me that Heather gave him my address, even though there is no proof of that, but I wouldn't question it; I'm just a fictional character in a book.

I guess I was supposed to be panicking or something because the way Heather was staring at me was far from comforting. “Are you crazy?!” I screamed at her with narrowed eyes. “I've never even been on a date before, let alone with Mr. I-Can-Get-Any-Girl-I-Want! Sure, I like him, but why the hell would you do that?”

“Because I'm your best friend, now lets go get you ready for your date.”

So, after a few hours of hair pulling, forcibly getting make up on my face and trying on a series of random outfits that would make a pretty entertaining movie montage if there was some Paramore in the background, I was ready for my date, and Heather and I walked downstairs together to answer the door to find Ashton on the other side. He smiled at me, and Heather said something about us having fun before she proceeded back into my room, in my house, to do who knows what until I got back. Though, I'm pretty sure she won't be here and I'm going to have to call her to tell her about how he's most likely going to try to kiss me and it's going to be like she was never here in the first place.

Ignoring that, I walked with Ashton to his car and we drove in an awkward silence until we got to the carnival. When we got there, some girl with most likely dyed blond hair walked over to us with a glare on her and gave Ashton puppy eyes. “What are you doing here with her?” The emphasis on 'her' was probably there because I wasn't a part of their social circle and she didn't understand why he would want to be dating someone like me. We weren't even dating, but I guess going to a carnival together made it look that way, and since this girl probably had as big of a crush on Ashton as I did, she wasn't going to let him go without a fight.

Not really much to your surprise though, he turned her away and we continued merrily on our way until she called out threatening to get him back from me—even though I'm almost certain that he was never really hers to begin with.

“Sorry about that,” he said with a somewhat sad look in his eyes, “I didn't think she would have came here tonight. You see, she's my ex-girlfriend, and even though she broke up with me, she doesn't want anyone else to have me, so she's most likely going to try and make your life hell for a while, but you should be OK.”

I nodded, not really paying attention to what he was saying, but looking at his lips in hopes that he would kiss me at some point before the end of the night. Sure, he said earlier at school that it was a date, but did her really see it as such? Or was he just messing with me to see how far I was willing to go before he dropped some kind of bomb on me that this was just a pity date because he accidentally found out that I had a crush on him and he didn't want me to feel bad. OR, he's just using me to get his girlfriend jealous, and I don't figure that out until later which will be the result of me crying in my bed, ignoring his text's and calls because I didn't feel like being bothered.

Anyway, somehow we ended up walking in the direction of the tunnel of love, where he had to convince me to go in because I have this new-found fear of the dark or some crap like that. But once we were inside, he wrapped his arm around me and started saying some BS story about how he's had feelings for me for quite some time and that he was glad I said yes to him. I would be hesitant, of course, but then I'd say something along the lines of me saying that I'm glad he liked me because I liked him too and it would be super cute, and we would kiss and for some reason a camera would flash at the end of the ride, and then we'd get a picture.

All of the running water inside the ride made me had to use the bathroom though, so I would excuse myself and then return only to find him talking with one of his friends about how the bet was going. I would get so completely bent out of shape and emotional because I put my trust in this guy only to find out that this wasn't even a real date, and then I would run home without him knowing, which would result in me getting a call from him later that night—even though I never gave him my phone number—and I wouldn't answer it.

For a few weeks, he would continue to pursue me and try to tell me that even though it started as a bet, that his feelings were real now and he regrets everything that he did to me. Heather—who would now pop out of nowhere in the story again after being gone for a few more chapters—and tell me that I should trust him. So, I go with her advice and go to his house—even though he never gave me his address and I had never been invited before—and I would find him making out with some girl on the couch. My 'heart would break' and I'd run away and realize that he saw me and was now chasing me down the block, catching me only to explain that the girl he was kissing was his ex-girlfriend and that the only reason they were kissing was because she threatened to hurt me if he hadn't done it.

I wanted to believe him, and just as I began to walk away, he kissed me and made me forget everything bad that had happened. His ex would completely disappear from the story after that, and we would either end up together and there would be an epilogue with a wedding scene or we would graduate and go to college together which would lead to a sequel that is convenient for the cliché loving readers, but the writer would probably get bored with the plot and no one would ever know what happens at the end because the writer moved onto bigger and better plots to fill the Wattpad world.

The End

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