I fall backwards only to be caught by Julian.

"I knew you would fall for me eventually." He grins.

"Nah..." I whisper, before I black out.

Juniper POV

This is incredible....

It's like every synapse and cell in my body is tingling, leaving me feeling warm and weightless. I can barely feel the floor beneath me, and whatever is touching my head. I expected this to be painful and uncomfortable, but truthfully I don't think I've ever felt so relaxed...the only thing I can really tell through my lightheaded drifting is that I can't see anything...and that the only thing I can smell is is Gardenias and sandalwood, it's intoxicating aroma seeming to tug me along as something unknown stirs deep within my head.

"Juniper? Baby can you hear me?" A familiar voice calls through the haze, and as I follow it the scent gets stronger...as does the stirring feeling. I blink my eyes slowly as they open, the harsh clinic lights leaving spots in my vision.

"June?" The voice repeats, clearly this time, and a few strands of red hair brush across my forehead as a pair of beautiful chocolate brown eyes meet my gaze...and even though I recognize Mariah's face, it's like I'm seeing it for the very first time.

Her fair skin is clear and smooth, her soft pink lips and nose are small, which fits perfectly in her heart shaped face...as does her dark eyes and eyelashes, which stand out boldly against her light complexion...which makes her look both beautiful and fierce at the same time.

All I can do I stare in wonder.

"Juniper?" I shiver at the sound of her naturally low voice, it always sounded a little husky, but this the first time it's ever sent chills up my spine as well as make me blush. As she leans in closer, the scent hits my face again, and my eyes widen as I realize she's the source.

"Gardenias..." I whisper, and she quirks a brow in confusion.


"You smell like gardenias...and sandalwood...it smells really good." I murmur, and her cheeks turn the faintest pink color as another person chuckles...I think it's Julian, but I can't be sure.

"Thank you...are you feeling okay?"

"I feel amazing..." I answer, sounding dazed and sleepy to my own ears. And the chuckling gets a bit louder as Mariah shoots Julian an irritated look.

"Sorry Marz, but she sounds like she's higher than a kite right now." He say with another laugh.

"He's not wrong..." I murmur with a dopey grin on my face, and I reach a hand up to her face when I finally remember how to use it, only to be greeted with surprise when my fingertips touch her cheek.

It's like tiny explosions just erupted underneath my skin, which makes me jump up to a crouching position, facing Mariah as she stares at me in shock. My heart races as I try to process what I just felt, trembling a little in excitement as part of me understands...leaving the rest confused.

"Juniper? What's wrong?" Mariah asks worriedly, but I can barely hear her over a new voice shouting in my head.

~Mate!! Mate!! Mate!! Oh my goddess I can finally speak! I thought I would never get the chance to meet you! I've been trying to tell you for months that she's our mate!!!~

I blink a few times, still trying to figure out if I've officially lost my mind or if this is real.

~Oh goddess it's amazing to finally talk to you! My name is Fiona! I'm your wolf silly.~

A Heart's Desire (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now