"That would be me." Julian grins, winking at both of us.

"I've seen better." Sienna interjects, rolling her eyes again.

"Hey you can't deny this body." Julian counters, while trailing his hands down his body. Now it is my turn to roll my eyes. I have seen better. My wolf chuckles in amusement.

"Now who are you and what are you doing on our pack lands - not that I'm complaining." He ends with a wink. Seriously? Is this guy serious? He's a Beta for crying out loud. Can't he keep things strictly business when needed? My wolf comments irritated by this guy.

"Evangeline Gray and Sienna Gray from the Silver Tide Pack in Northwest Florida. Here with an important message only for Alpha Scarlett Blackrose." I return with formality fitting for the occasion.

"Fine, follow me." He responds with a little annoyance in his voice and turns leading us down the dirt path.

After what seems like forever and passing what I'm sure is the training area, we approach a black, wrought iron gate that wraps around the huge pack house. The gate itself stands at least twelve feet tall, with sharp arrow-shaped points on top. Julian opens the gate and swings the gate open for us to enter in front of the pack house.

The pack house is beautiful, reminiscent of the many estates that once doted this area - Greek columns and all.

A copper sign with black engraving, the words' Blackrose House 'sits in large letters, with the phrase 'Welcome Friends, But Foes Beware' underneath it in smaller writing.

Noticing that I had read the cooper sign, Julian remarks, "Someone recently stated, 'That's a pretty clear message.', and I couldn't agree more - You?"

"It definitely leaves an impression to anyone who isn't welcomed here." I respond.

"Luckily you guys are welcomed here, or I might have to feed you to the gators." Julian teases.

"I'll feed you to the gators if you're not careful." I retort.

"Well no reason for that. We are friends here, or more. Right?" Julian smirks with a wink.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I haven't decided if I will take you to dinner first or later." I repeat his line from earlier, before we enter the pack house. This got an amused smile from Beta Julian.

The inside is quite impressive and seems to match the feel of the exterior. I walk into a grand foyer with a marble floor and gold and white walls that looked aged from years of being there. There is a staircase covered in red velvet in the center with its gold and wood rails that continued to give this place a historic look. A crystal chandelier lights the staircase that leads up to the second floor.

As we topped the stairs we are greeted by a beautiful woman with ivory skin and black hair. She is wearing black skinny jeans, a burgundy sleeveless top and black biker boots - which seemed to fit her personality. Her smoky gray and burgundy eyeshadow seemed to set off her reddish brown eyes. She seems to be about 5'6" since she is just a little shorter than I am, but that took nothing away from the power that radiated off of her. This must be Alpha Scarlett Blackrose.

"I am Alpha Scarlett Blackrose, welcome to Blackrose Swamp. Who might you two be?" She greets.

"This is Sienna Gray and I am Evangeline Gray, but you can call me Eva." I respond while both of us bowed our heads in respect.

"No need to be so formal. Please follow me, I'll show you to my office." She adds, waving off the formality, and turns walking in the other direction.

We follow behind her as she seems to walk effortlessly and with grace. Something that must be due to the fact that she is a werewolf/vampire hybrid like Julian. Making our way up another flight of stairs, we arrive at large doors. We walk into her office and she sits behind her desk ready to start our meeting.

A Heart's Desire (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now