"You're no fun like always btw thanks man. It's enough that you guys are here. Who's this beautiful lady beside you.....wait you look familiar... Hum.. where have I seen you...um...."

"She's Tyson's sister. ______ Granger now known as ______Hiwatari. Idiot. She's Kai's wife."

Someone said from behind. I look back to find out Tala coming towards us. I made a small smile and fist bump with him.

"Oh yes! Wait...what? When did this poker face got married?"

*_______ awkwardly*

"Hello I'm _____Hiwatari. Btw Happy Birthday Brooklyn."

"My luck is like shit seriously. I was thinking of making her my girlfriend."

*I glare, this guy always gets on my nerves. ______ looks at me and holds my hand. *

"If you want to be a dead meat."

"Fine,fine I was just joking. I am the spotlight today and it would hurt my image if I go out meeting people in a black and blue face. Don't you think?"

_______ chuckles. I look at her.

"You and your lame things. Btw here happy birthday."

"Thanks a lot man. Anyways enjoy the party,I will greet some guest since it's my day today."

I nodded and was about to go talk with some friends until

"_____? Kai?"

We both look on our right to be greeted by Mathilda.

"Oh my Mathilda? Is that you?"

"Yes it's me _____."

"It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other."

"Yes, I've heard from Max that you are married now. Hey Kai congratulations man."


"Let's go there. Mariam's also there."

She look at me. I nodded at her.

"Don't worry, lovebirds it's just for few hours. It's not like you two are going to be away from each other forever."


I blush very badly this time. Can't deny though. Kai's ears were getting red but he acted normal.

"Call me on the phone if you need me."

I nodded and he left. Mathilda and I went to where Mariam was.

"Mathilda where were y..... Oh my ____? Is that you? You look so gorgeous girl."

"Long time no seen Mariam. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I was so sad that I wasn't able to attend your wedding. "

"Max told me about your work too."

"Huff... Don't worry Mathilda and I both will come and prepare everything when you are going to have your baby shower."*wink*

I blush. Both Mariam and Mathilda were laughing.

"Hey guys... I'm back, my husband is coming that's why I was in a hustle anyway,R....."

I look back to see Mariah. Her face was pale when she saw me. Mathilda and Mariam were silent.

"O-oh ______, long time no seen. Damn you look so gorgeous. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine Mariah. How are you btw?"

"I'm fine too _____."

There was an awkward tension between both of us until,

"May I have everyone's attention please?"

We all look up to find Brooklyn on the stage holding a champagne.

"As the star of tonight's party. I did like to start the ball by myself with my lovely fiance. Guys let me introduce to you my fiance Salima."

There a beautiful girl appear.

"Hello everyone, I'm Salima Meghan and I'm the fiance of Brooklyn

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"Hello everyone, I'm Salima Meghan and I'm the fiance of Brooklyn. Nice to meet you all."

"My husband is here,let me go and help him in. Excuse me for a moment guys."

We all nodded and then Mariah left to get her husband.


Hey guys,this is the author.

I'm sorry for taking so many months just to update a chapter. It's because I ran out of thoughts. So I took my time to think and explore that would make me inspire for the work. I'm sorry if this ff is kind of not that much related even though the characters are all Beyblade characters. There are also some characters that I put in myself. This ff could be lame and very boring but still please bear with it. I'll try my best to improve day by day.
Thanking you,
With regards
The Author.

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