| Chapter Four + I could teach a master class in seduction. . .NOT |

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"I'm down." Elle said, too excited it seemed for Ty's liking. "But I'm it and once I catch you. . .its gonna be trouble Ty." What was more thirsty: a dying cactus or Elle?

"Um. . .okay." Elle didn't have a chance to reply back to that awkward okay, because Siri called out and said to us that the destination was a minute away. As I was looking out my window, I was memorized by this neighborhood and all the beautiful houses. I already knew this Leon guy house was going to blow me out the water. And it did. Siri called out to us once more and said that our destination was on the left and wasn't that the truth. It was a big, looked like a five story house. Brick made. Green grass, which was kinda hard to see by all the bodies standing over it. Party had started at eight, it was now ten. Of course we weren't going to be early, on time for a party. Who came on time for college parties anyway? We hit it at the perfect time. People would be kinda drunk, layback, at this time and not too sloppy on how it would look when it became one am.

"We here, y'all." Ty said. But before we could get out the car and get fucking drunk, we had to find a parking spot. And thank God, we found one without circling the block twice. See, this was a good time to come because we found a parking spot, maybe three or four houses down and it wasn't too crowded.

We all got out the car and started making our way toward the house which was blasting with music and people all over the front yard and probably back. Trey and Ki were walking hand-in-hand. Ty and Elle were walking together. Not hand-in hand, like how I bet Elle wanted, but still together so I knew that she wasn't that displeased. Tiana and I were walking hand-in-hand. She was another close friend of mine. Not as close as Ki, but we still got along together good and plus, we were matching colors.

It wasn't planned and that was even more perfect. Great mines think alike. Elle had asked me which colors I was wearing, but I told her that I didn't know until the day of. I didn't pick out my clothes days in advance and literally just picked out this outfit a couple hours before the party. I was wearing a simple red satin low cut dress, sleek and cute. With black heels. Tiana was also wearing a red fit; a black skirt with a sexy cute red top. See twining, but not really twining.

We arrived in front of the house, music blasting exceptionally loud, people still doing whatever the fuck they were doing on the yard. Door was already open and we walked ourselves into the living room- which was fucking beautiful. But who cared for the details? If I described every detail about this house - which I had wanted to do - this whole night I would just be staring at tiles and trying to find the best words for the beautiful things I was seeing. And I couldn't do that because I had a plan tonight: get drunk and not worry about shit.

"Aye Trey, how you doing man?" Annnd Trey had left the group to go mingle with said person that had called him. I think it came from the left side? And he left without Ki too? He was an ass.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies, I'm going to get you all drinks and then we can really have some fun, huh?" Player and destined driver (Not) Ty, said to us, slightly sliding back.

"Oooh, I'll help you since you don't want to carry all of those drinks by yourself, you know?" Elle, of course it was Elle, said.

Ty's face grimaced. It was sad, but funny. "Nah, it fine. I can handle five drinks, or maybe I'll ask someone near the kitchen to help out."

"Why would you bother someone else when I'm right here?" Elle still pestered. "I'm going with you and that's final." Cue her teeth shining and blinding.

Guess Ty thought, fuck it because not a second later, he just shrugged his shoulders and turned on his heel, in the direction of the kitchen. Elle followed close behind, like his very own pet dog.

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