Please forgive me

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The person who i first liked, was the person i now like the least. The conversation i overheard was one that included Lotte and Anna. Lotte asked Anna "Well what do you think about the new girl? " Anna responded back with "I don't like her, she seems too full of herself. Did you see the way she was acting in training, so embarrassing". That's when Lotte spotted me and i just ran as far away from there as i could.

Leah and Jordan spotted me crying by my car so they came over to see what was wrong.

Leah - Hey Soph,what's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?
Sophie - *while sobbing* No i don't want to really talk about it. You and Jord can go into get lunch and i'll be in there in a minute.
Jordan - Well we're here for you and you can come to us if you want to speak about anything. Come and sit with us when you do decide to come in!
Sophie - Okay i will, thank you guys. See you in a bit

They both went back into the main building and i tried to stop myself from crying anymore. After about 10 minutes of sorting myself out, i started making my way into the main building so i could grab some lunch as we've got another training session this evening. As i got into the canteen, i felt like i was being watched by everyone. I made my way over to where the food was and i asked the chef's for some salmon, rice and some veggies as that was the only thing on the menu today. I grabbed myself a smoothie and a water and then made my way over to Jordan and Leah's table.

I finished my food and Leah questioned if i was okay again and i reassured her to say that i'm fine. So far Leah and Jordan have been my favourite teammates! As soon as we finished our conversation, Lotte came over and asked if she could talk to me on my own.

Lotte - Hey, can i grab Soph for a chat please?
Jordan - Yeah of course, keep an eye on her for us please okay!
Lotte - Yeah i will no worries. Soph, come into the spare room for me a second please, you haven't done nothing bad don't worry.
Sophie - Okay. Thank you again Leah and Jord! You guys are the best!

*in the spare room*
Lotte - Um hi, i'm Lotte, we haven't properly met or spoke but i just want to say sorry for might've overheard earlier. I didn't mean for it to happen, i swear.
Sophie - It's okay, i just thought that you guys were different so i was disappointed that's all.
Lotte - I know i didn't say anything wrong but what Anna said was wrong and i know that. She feels really bad. She didn't mean what she said. She really does like you Soph.
Sophie - Well that's not what she said. I forgive you but i don't forgive her. Can i go now?
Lotte - Yeah you can go, partners in training?
Sophie - Yeah of course, see you in 10 minutes!

As soon as i walk out, i see her. She gave me the look as if she wanted to talk to me but i just pushed past her and made my way to the changing rooms to get ready for training. She called out " Soph, please forgive me. I never meant what i said. Well, most of what i said anyways. I'm sorry" I ignored her and kept walking towards the changing rooms.

The evening training session went very quick and i'm so glad. Jonas gave us his final words before this weekend's game against Tottenham. We had a day's rest and then it was game day, hopefully i've impressed the coaches enough for me to start. I made my way to the car, said my goodbyes and then started making my way home. Today was an emotional day to say the least.

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