"Nice to meet you all! My name is Akira Saki, first year. My position is opposite hitter." She stated confidently.

'Same as me...' Suzume thought.

"Nice to meet you Akira-san, welcome to the team. Were just about to have a practice game, how about you join the B team-"

"Actually, Akira-san will be stepping in as right side for the A team." The coach announced which caused everyone to look at him in confusion.

"But coach, I play that position?" I speak up letting out an uneasy laugh. The coach gives me an apologetic look.

"Yes I know Ushijima-san, however, Akira-san here is a prodigy and we would like to put her right into the starting line-up." He says nonchalantly and she feels her stomach drop.

'How could he say that with such ease? As if he hasn't known me for years' she thought.

"Y- You're not even going to let me fight for my spot?" she asks as tears well up in her eyes, but she blink them away quickly.

"I'm sorry Ushijima-san, it's already been decided."


"But that's not fair!" Before Suzume could even say the words herself she look to her side to see her best friend and captain Hito standing up for her.

The other girls seemed to nod their heads in agreement, but coach pinched the bridge of his nose, and she knew what that meant. There was no changing his mind.

"I'm sorry girls, but Akira-san is showing amazing promise, she's what we need to progress, to win nationals."

"I can't believe this." Suzume whispers before storming out of the gym, her teammates calling her name in protest.

- End of Flashback -

"Well, just after we missed out on nationals in my first year, the coach introduced a new first year who would be taking my spot. He didn't even give me the chance to fight for it, just took it out from under me like it was nothing." Suzume snuck a look at Atsumu who was propping himself up on his elbows looking at her in shock.

She looked away hastily. That's exactly how they all looked' she thought as she remembered her teammates faces.

"Everyone was shocked, including me. I felt betrayed. She was a lot taller than me, and coach said that she showed promise, so I guess that's why they chose her. No one really agreed with the decision, but there was nothing I could do." She said lowly as she gripped the ball tightly to bring her comfort.

Atsumu felt bad for the dark haired girl, that must've sucked for her coach to do that to her after knowing her for so long. He couldn't even imagine what it must've felt like.

"I'm not trying to be cocky or anything, but I just couldn't see why they replaced me. I wasn't even given a shot to prove myself. I guess maybe it was because at a first glance, I don't look good enough, not compared to her." Atsumu noticed her deflating mood, but her words hit him and he swallowed hard. He felt angry that she felt that way.

This must be part of the reason why she never judges people, because she knows how bad it can be' he thought.

"So, I left because I knew I was better than that. I crave winning nationals so badly, and I wasn't about to sit on the side line's when I knew I could do something about it. So, I kicked my training into overdrive and chose a new school." Her mood shifted a little and his lips tugged up into a weak smile.

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