As we started to discuss plans of the future

Expectations for each one of us
And benefits I would receive

Successfully agreeing

As I walked around with asher they had told me I should get to know him
Since I'll becoming his step mother

We walked through the palace

So asher is there anything you would want to do when your older? - I said

Well there isn't much of a choice I have , But if I didn't have to be a king when Im older I would be a pirate!Im not reqlly supposedto tell you that so shhh !- he smiled

Really? Any reason - I said

The sea is so huge ! Better then being here alone- he said

Huh , I guess you half right- I said

Huh half why?- he said

Well I don't like being out in the sea too much fighting it eventually becomes a schedule- I said

Maybe , but then again you won't be alone!- he said

Your right , but in order not to be alone you need to find people who are willing to travel with you- I said

Hm- he said as he stop walking

Is there anything you like to do in your free time?- I said
Stopping as well

I take sword classes along with chess , it's pretty fun in my opinion- asher said

It sounds fun- I said smiling

*Three day's passed*

They had me get dress for the announcement of their new queen

I wore

With pearls around my neckMy hair tied back into a bun

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With pearls around my neck
My hair tied back into a bun

I stood there as they confirm me to be the new queen

Now in a carriage to meet the towns people

Sitting next to oliver and asher with three dogs inside as well

Once we arrived they step out

And I waited for them to be out
Steping up and seeing Oliver's hand for help

I took the hand and step out
Stepping on to a platform with them

Where a mic was standing

I walked up to the fencing

Bending down as they as oliver place the queen's crown on my head

Standing up

I grab the mic

I hope we can get along - I smiled
As people cheered

As they Applause I smiled and wave
Backing up with oliver and asher

Getting off the platform with them and saying hello to them greeting the people

Hugging and shaking hands with
With everyone

As some started preparing a festival
Seeing the sun go dowm they turned on the lights and music
Food bar's

And the decorations
People dancing in the main area with other's

Asher had brought me some cotton candy to enjoin

I sat down with him eating The cotton candy

Watching the people dance next to the bright shiny lights

I smiled as oliver came up to me taking out his hands

May I have the first dance- oliver said

I nodded as I handed the cotton candy to asher and took Oliver hand

Entering the main with him

As I danced it felt off like something right , I was fine dancing with him

Looking at the pepple they looked so happy even in their conditions
Of living

*Ending the night I recieved my own room to sleep in for that knight*

When I had awoke I was greeted with the sights of maids
Standing by my bed

Miss your awake, shall we help you get ready- They said

I sat up quick and nodded ?

As They prepare me for a bath
I soak inside

Along with my hair
The scent of the soap smelled sweet
Like candies

Once I was done they help me get dress
Placing me on a corset
And under dress

As I place on the top dress and some accessories

A totally different person with this on

The maids left I took The dog they had given me and started walking out with the map of the house

There was a library, tea room , ball room , living room, dining room 1 , dinning room 2, kitchen 1 ,kitchen 2 , main room , main library 2, bed rooms , dressing room 1, dressing room 2 ,
Knight training, swordsmen room, maids room, butler's room, showers and many other room

Where to go ?

I walked around with the dog

Now that i think about it , Im not sure what's the dogs name ?

As I thought someone tap me on my back
I turned around but no one's there

When I turned back around it was asher

Hey wanna see something!- he whisper along with a smiled

I smiled
Then nodded
as he grab my hand

And pulled me into the garden

Watching him go uner a bush

I stop

Uh Asher how do you expect me to get past- I said

Seeing his head pop back out

Your right!- he whisper

I smiled
Seeing as he came back

Alright I'll push you through !- he said

I laughed
Crawling down and Moving some branches

Almost at the end but my dress got stuck

Hey asher can you untangle the end of my dress?- I said

Uh okay!- he said

Feeling us my dress became untangle I went through the bush standing up and sweeping the leaf's and dirt off my dress

Watching as ashsr came through then with the other two dogs came through

Asher soon grab my hand again and started pulling me along with him

Soon we gound ourselves in a forest of sort

Are you sure you know where were going? - I said

Im sure ! I went he a million time's!- He said

Uhuh- I said

Soon saw a bright light

As we went closer
It was a pearl of sort

It looked so shiny

What is it doing her asher ?- I said

It's my dad's he said's not to touch it , or else the spell with break!- asher said

Spell ?

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