"Drag it across the desktop," I told him as I was a few food bits away from the other side, I heard a crash from the other side of the line and then silence, 'That didn't do anything,' my dad told me and I groaned.

"Of course it didn't! You know what? Agh!" I groaned as I hit my phone onto my face a couple of times, I then jumped and got to the other side, "How are Brent and Sam doing?" I asked her.

"Well..." she trailed off as she pointed me, I looked and saw Brent and Sam holding onto a fry each as it tried not to sink.

"Holy sh*t,"


After we somehow got Sam and Brent back to safety, we continued down the hallway, also Dad got close to almost sending the email, 'Now what?' he asked me as I stopped walking and the others continued running, "Just click send," I told him.

"Flint! The FLDSMDFR's just right down there!" I heard Twi yell to me as Sam and Brent followed her, "Dad, hurry," I told him through the phone, 'Send. Send. Oh, wait,' I heard him say but then a giant bang happened followed by another giant bang a few seconds later on the other end.

"Dad? Dad? Can you hear me? Dad?!" I asked/called through the phone but got no answer, then clucking was heard and I got confused, "Hey, guys?" I heard Brent say as I saw him look up and I saw Twi and Sam do the same.

I turned around while looking up, backing away to the others as I brought the phone down from my face, we saw maybe a good hundred moving chickens up there and they were getting closer to us.

"Holy crap balls..." I heard Twi muttered shocked, I then noticed they were all kinda looking at us and I remember the pizza situation and I knew they were gonna try and stop us.

I motioned the others to start running the other way and they did, "Go, go, go!" I told them and ran other them as I heard the chickens dropping down from the ceiling, "Oh!" Brent screamed scared as we ran but they soon jumped in front of us and we were trapped.

We started backing up as they got closer and Twi waved the marshmallow fire stick around, trying to keep them back, I looked over to see one walking over to Brent, "Oh, I don't know. I think they're kinda cute. I mean, this one just walked right up to me and--" Brent started saying but got cut off as the chicken started to... EAT HIM?!?!!?

"He's got me!" I heard Brent mutter and then something else but we couldn't hear it because he was eaten, the three of us looked at the chicken in shock, "They ate Brent!!!" we shouted in fear/worry at the same time.

With my free hand, I grabbed Twi's free hand and started to rub circles on her hand as I brought my phone up to my face again as Twi waved around the fire Marshmellow and Sam held up her radar ready to hit them with it.

"Dad. I'm surrounded by man-eating chickens right now. So if this is goodbye, thanks for trying to set me straight. Figured it out a little late, I guess. Okay, bye," I told him and I hung up.

The chickens then started to get closer and closer, "Flint?" I heard Twi say and I looked at her, "Yeah?" I asked her, "If we don't make it, there's something I'd like to tell you. I-" she started saying but was cut off by some beeping, we looked down and my phone screen read, 'Email Received'.

Sam, Twi, and I shared a look, "Dad..." I muttered in disbelief as the three of us shared a smile, but the hope was short-lived when a chicken ate my phone, "Hey! Give me that phone back," I said as I took the fire marshmallow from Twi and got into a fight stance.

Then a chicken started clucking as it started to weird poses, I got out of my fighting stance as so did the chicken and Twi, Sam, and I looked at it weirdly, it soon landed on the ground as other chickens surrounded it, looking confused, as the chicken on the ground was still moving.

Cloudy With The Chance Of Meatballs {Flint x OC}Where stories live. Discover now