Rainy Days

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

You groaned, still half asleep with drool falling from your mouth. You lazily reached for your phone and turned your alarm off.

'Great' you thought to yourself.

With only 3 hours of sleep last night, you struggled to crawl out of bed. Staying up all night to meet a deadline was not ideal but you didn't have much of a choice anyways. As a journalist you always needed to be ready to sacrifice some sleep.

Your boss had a tendency of piling one too many assignments on your desk without any warning. Regardless, you were used to it by now but you were almost certain you were getting premature wrinkles from stress.

After you managed to drag yourself from the comfort of your sheets, you washed up and frantically looked for some clean clothes to wear. The dress code your company has leaves little to no room for comfort. A majority of your day is spent balancing yourself in heels along with a pencil skirt and blouse. On some rare occasions you were allowed to wear some nice slacks or dress pants.

After finally finding a decent outfit, you quickly finished getting ready and rushed out the door. 

Living on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex definitely did not make life any easier. Running down 3 flights up stairs every morning was no easy task, especially when you were running a little behind.

"Jesus Christ!" you cursed to yourself as you tripped over your own feet on the way down the stairs.

To add to the list of things going wrong this morning, it was pouring rain. You scrambled to get inside your car and sighed, slamming the door shut. Of course you forgot your umbrella. Driving in a storm with a sleep deprived individual behind the wheel was not a good mix but you couldn't just skip work. Too many things would pile up on your desk which would lead to more sleepless nights and of course, more stress.

Thankfully, you had just enough time to pick up some coffee for you and your colleagues before work. The caffeine gods from above seemed to notice your pleas for help and just so conveniently opened a new coffee shop right across the street from your job. You used to have to drive 10 minutes in the opposite direction of your job just to get to the nearest place that sold decent coffee. Before the new coffee shop opened, there used to be a small bookstore in its place. You would visit anytime you got the chance to help support the small business but sadly, it still went under. Sure you were upset but you couldn't stay mad for too long when there was now a glorious coffee shop just seconds away from your job.

If there's anything you're picky about, it's your coffee. But right now you didn't give a shit about how it tasted, you just needed some caffeine to help power you through the day. The building looked decent enough so how bad could the coffee be?


After pulling into the parking lot of the coffee shop you took a few moments to collect yourself. Mentally preparing yourself, you counted as you got ready to make a run for it through the rain.


Swinging open your car door, you clawed your way through the downpour and managed to get to the front doors. You frantically grabbed the handle of the door and pushed as if your life depended on it (well your makeup did).

"Oh come on! You have to be kidding me right now!" you angrily screamed. The door didn't budge and the longer you stayed outside the wetter you were getting. The lights were on but was it still closed? You didn't check to see if it was open but it was already 8:30 in the morning. If anything it should definitely be open this late on a weekday.

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